19 | Exercise Pt. 2 ⚜️

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"A body that is exercised does not rust."
~ Swahili Proverb

Baby steps: Forget going from couch potato to gym rat overnight. Start with 10-minute bursts of movement, like brisk walks or dance breaks in your room. You can even split it up - two 10-minute walks are totally cool! Gradually ramp it up as you feel stronger.

Find your jam: Exercise shouldn't feel like torture! Try different stuff - running, swimming, zumba, karate,yoga, jumping jacks to your fave tunes - until you find something that makes you wanna move. There are also tons of free workout videos online you can do from your room.

Schedule it in: Treat your workouts like an appointment - block out time and stick to it. This will make exercise a normal yet important part of your week, not an afterthought.

Life happens, chill: We all miss workouts sometimes. Don't freak out, just jump back on track the next day.

Fit Buddy: Grab a friend to exercise with. Misery loves company, but crushing fitness goals together is way more fun and builds motivation easily.

Daily Activity Mesh: Look for opportunities to be active throughout your day, and mesh exercise with day to day chores. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike to class if feasible, or do quick workouts in your dorm room.

Streaks and XP: Make challenges for yourself. Grant rewards for completing them. Or, get XP on how much calories you burn. Count your streak to build consisteny. Get creative with incentives.

Eat and Sleep : Exercise works best when combined with adequate sleep and a balanced diet. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and fuel your body with nutritious foods to support your workouts.

Remember, consistency is key.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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