v. Toxic Redhead.

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Chapter Five, Real Life & Messages

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Chapter Five, Real Life & Messages.

    "Kk that gun is bright pink,"

    The girls sitting around the round table gasps at Kk's words while their manager just shakes her head disappointed, Kk moves her hands as she continues to open her mouth,"I don't own a gun so-"

    "Kamorea, don't even." Bella gives Kk a sharp look, trying to hold back her smile.

    "Stop reading comments before you
actually read them." Kk let's out a laugh at Paige's suggestion along with the team.

    The whole team along with the coaches and staff were at the athletes cafeteria, Bella was supposed to sit with the adults but the team insisted and begged and whined so much that she was forced to sit alongside them. As always KK had the amazing idea to start a Instagram live on Amari's account. Bella was seated in between Caroline and Nika while she ate her salad.

    Ice was helping Azzi do her hair, Paige were making weird ass bird noises on the live and pointing the camera to everybody's faces, Kk was dancing behind Bella and Nika, Aubrey and Ayanna were talking about god knows what, all this happening while Bella was trying to have a conversation with Ashlynn and Q that were across the table.

    This was just another normal day to Bella. Least to say it is.....quite chaotic.

    After what felt like forever, coach Geno told the girls it was time to leave.

    Paige hands back Amari's after hearing the coach speak up. Amari ended the life with Bella's forehead peeking through the screen and waving her hands goodbye.

    "Bye y'allll," Bella spoke with an country accent making everyone chuckle around the table.

    After the nice lunch they had, they all went back to the gym to practice while Bella was in her office typing away and drinking her second energy drink planning for interviews for the upcoming season along with media day that's coming up in October. And let's not forget that in August the team and staff going to a trip around Europe even they're still going to be playing basketball it's amazing time to have team bonding and to truly discover what their roles are on court.

    Even though she planned in advance she still had to triple check that everything was in place.

    Bella hears a knock on the door knowing who it already was she mumbled a come in.
The door opens wide open revealing ice and Kk.

    "Bellaaa," Kk sings dancing over to stand behind Bella as she wraps arm around her neck placing her chin on Bella shoulder. Ice sits on one of her bean bag chairs that were located in the corner of the office.

    "Kkkkk," Bella sang back, pulling back her attention from her computer, lifting her hand to pat KK's head.

    "Do you have any snacks?" Bella nods, both the younger girls race for the snack drawer.

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