'to the park'

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penny was very energetic-she was the golden retriever-no, she was like an orange cat in the relationship with ocean. she is very curious. she'd rather go to the playground and act like a child.

ocean was, chill, i guess-she was the black cat in the relationship. she kept to herself all the time, she'd rather sit at her desk and study.

she'd end up getting dragged to the park by penny, she would end up just sitting down on the benches watch penny.

sometimes ocean would join in, playing on the swings with her, it made her feel like a child, the child she never got to be.

anyways, penny was currently laying on the floor of oceans room-in constance's house, since ocean now lives with constance- and penny was extremely bored.

"i'm here to hang out with my girlfriend, not be bored," penny whined. looking at ocean who was sitting at her desk, typing up her essay

"its your fault, you came six minutes early." ocean spoke while typing something else. she was writing something for her english class. ocean only had one paragraph left to write, so it'd only take a minute and a half for her to finish.

but penny was impatient. "hurry up, pleasee," she begged. then, she stood up, walking over to oceans desk and sitting on her lap.

penny was thin, even if she was tall. but she was light, so it didn't bother ocean much.

"just- give me a minute, pen," ocean said, her eyes on her laptop as she continued typing.

"but ocee, i'm so bored, can we go to the park?" penny asked, looking up at ocean. she moved her hand up to oceans chin so she could force ocean to look at her.

it caused ocean to mess up her typing a little. she leaned down and gave penny a kiss before she went back to typing.

"we can go to the park when i'm done, doll." ocean tried to get penny off of her. "i just need you to sit on the bed while we wait, please?"

penny couldn't say no to ocean for some reason, so she got up and sat on oceans bed, watching as ocean quickly resumed typing up her essay.

it wasn't going to be long before ocean finished, i mean, she was a quick typer. she was almost done at this point- she would've been done if penny wasn't distracting her.

but she couldn't get mad at penny for that, oh no, penny was too adorable for that. penny was like a cute puppy, and ocean loved that, it was one of her most favorite reasons ocean was in love with penny.

ocean could go on and on for hours about why she loved penny, from the most obvious reasons to the least obvious reasons that would surprise people because they wouldn't realize that penny does that.

another one of oceans favorite reasons was how observant penny was, she'd take a mental note of a small detail of somebody and then she'd give anyone a present from that small detail.

part of penny's friend language is gift giving, if she likes you, she'll give you a gift that you wouldn't even realize you needed.

(i saw someone do that as a headcannon for penny, i dont remember who but whoever did it, credit to them !!)

she probably gave ocean a closet full of gifts, and ocean kept every single one of them.

"and i'm.. done!" ocean stood up, her legs pushing her chair back. she looked over at penny who had a wide smile on her face.

"we can go to the park now?" penny asked, her smile somehow being heard in her voice. she was so happy to go to the park, it made ocean smile as well.

"mhmm!, let me just put my shoes on," ocean returned penny's smile with her signature smile. then she walked over to her favorite shoes, her mary jane-like shoes, put some knee-high socks on and then put on her shoes.

ocean was wearing a black skirt with a navy blue vest and a blouse under it. she really likes the old preppy style, so thats the idea she was going for.

while penny overdressed a little, she had on an outfit you'd see on a doll. it was a black dress with a white lace collar, then she has black and white stripped knee high socks with mary janes like oceans. it was really cute, but a little too much for the park.

then the two girls held hands as they left the room. a giant smile displayed across penny's face- the park was like.. the one place she'd go to let everything out, her comfort place.

the girls walked out of the house, making sure to say bye to mr and mrs blackwood before they left, then they walked to the park. their hands never seperating.

once they got to the park though, penny instantly ran to the swings, they were her favorite part about the park.

"come on, oceann !!" penny yelled from the swings, standing in front of the swing, she wouldn't get on it until ocean was there with her.

ocean slightly giggled as she walked over to the swing with penny and sat down on the one beside penny and started swinging her legs, as penny did the same.

it had to be at least six pm now, and the two girls were just swinging opposite of each other.

"ocean?" penny's low voice asked.

"yes, doll?" ocean replied, turning her head over to the blond. penny wasn't facing her, so ocean just admired her side profile.

"can we stay here until the sun fully sets, and we can take pictures and.. do all of that cute romantic stuff together, but in the sunset."

oceans mouth curved into a small smile, "that sounds really cute, we can," she smiled at penny. "i love you, doll."

"i love you too."

i apologize for not writing more to this, i'll update thhs and write more if people want to!

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