'hopefully in another universe'

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a brunette girl opened her eyes to complete brightness, trying to adjust her eyes to the sudden light.. where was she?

her breath was fast and shallow, she was confused, trying to remember any previous events. her heart was frantically beating, she felt light headed, like she could pass out again any second.

what the fuck is going on?

memories of her life flashed before her eyes, she remembers who she was, penny lamb. oh god—ezra! who was taking care of ezra while she was gone?!

she remembered what happened—that machine that told their fortunes, ocean.. noel.. ricky.. constance—the cyclone

holy shit. what happened—where is everyone? why does she feel so light

a hospital bed.. a hospital gown, shit shit shit. it wasn't a bad dream, she was actually dead for a bit.. that means that what happened in 'the afterlife' was real? she actually competed in a purgatory situation?

no, that cant be. maybe the others are also alive and she's just going crazy.. maybe.

she looked around the room.. it hurt to move.. she felt so much more skinny. what day was it?.. it was september 14th, yes, she had to be in the hospital for a day at least.. right? so its.. september 15th now.

how did she even manage to survive that?

lost in her thoughts, she didnt notice that the nurse walked in, her eyes wide.. this couldn't be good.

"hello? penny lamb.. you're awake?" the nurse asked, her eyes still widened as if she was surprised.. so penny wasn't in the hospital for a day, because the nurse wouldn't be surprised if it was just a day.

"where are the others? ocean.. ricky, constance—noe—mischa?!" penny instantly asked, her mind was flooded with a bunch of questions. "what happened?! what day is it?!"

the nurse gulped. "your friends.." she started, "they died in the accident, i'm so sorry."

her words after that became a ring in penny's ears, tears forming in her eyes and falling down her face. this wasn't real, it cant be, no, no, they cant actually be dead, right? what about ocean?

she remembers that she had a crush on ocean, she loved ocean—her friends.. they couldn't be dead, no, no. maybe this was a dream, yes, it had to be.

multiple tears fell down her cheeks at once. "no.. no, they—no, they cant be?" the girl muttered to herself. this was the worst day of her life.

"i'm so sorry," the nurses voice was finally recognized in pennys ears as more than just a ring.

but penny couldn't listen, no, no, she was worried.

"they cant be dead, no, no!" penny spoke with determination, her voice loud, way louder than she would normally speak. "this wasn't supposed to happen.. i dont des-erve to be alive—no."

her voice broke in the middle of her sentence, she spoke with guilt in her voice. she didn't deserve to go back to life, she didn't even remember who she was—everyone except her should've been brought back to life, they had a life, she didnt—they should go back to living their lives.

this wasnt real, it was all a dream, yes.. just go back to sleep penny, go back to sleep and you'll be back in the real world.

the girl sighed, leaning back—completely ignoring the worried nurse in front of her as she closed her eyes, feeling her last tear falling down the side of her cheek, and she fell asleep.


she was back—she saw.. ocean and.. a broken down karnak? was this real? it felt so real, this was real—it wasn't a dream anymore.. right? she was dead again?

she was penny lamb.. reunited with the choir?—but its just ocean there? why is only ocean there? where are the others?

something in her toldnher that she shouldn't ask about that, that she should only focus on the love of her life in this moment, that she had to cherish this moment because it might never happen again.

"ocean..!" she cried out, rushing to ocean and taking her in a hug, slightly picking her up. "oh my god, ocean."

the tears came back, she burried her head in oceans hair as tears stained the gingers hair.

"you're getting my hair wet," ocean said, it sounded like she had been crying as well.

"i love you," she managed to smile, her voice was strained from all of her crying, she raised her head and kissed oceans forehead. "i love you, i love you so much."

ocean smiled as well, dried tears under her eyes. "i loved you too penny, i wish i could be there.. with you."

penny slightly froze at that, 'with you'? what does that mean.. oceans not really dead, right?—she's not really the only alive choir member, right?

"wh-what so you mean? you're alive.. and well, right?!" the girl instantly freaked out, holding onto oceans arms.

ocean didnt say a word, she just shook her head.

this—no, no, no—fuck!! this couldn't be real.. she wanted to be with ocean—to stay with ocean, forever—ocean loves her back, so she should be able to find a way.

she could.. kill herself? yes, yes! if she kills herself, she'd be dead, and she could spend the rest of eternity with ocean!

but what about ezra?.. he'd have to live with the fact his older sister killed herself—not knowing the context or anything, he'd spend the rest of his life thinking that he should've been a better brother because his sister was suicidal.

and whaf would her parents think?! that they failed to raise their eldest daughter, that they're terrible parents—penny didn't want to make anyone think that its their fault.

she couldn't commit suicide.. she just had to live with the fact she'd never be with ocean again.

"im so sorry, i shouldn't be alive, it should be you.. and the rest of the choir." penny apologized, tears streaming down her face as her voice cracked.

it hurt ocean to see penny crying like this and blaming herself. "no, doll, dont say that, you have a chance to live again, i want you to live. its the best thing to do in this situation."

penny nodded, hugging ocean again, but this time tightly. "can we.. cuddle, until this ends, please?"

"yes, yes doll, we can." ocean softly chuckled

and so they did, the girls cuddled together, on the wooden floor in almost complete darkness, ocean showering penny in kisses.

"maybe in another universe, we can live together, forever." ocean mumbled.

"hopefully in another universe."


i'm sososo sorry im being so slow with my writing, i wrote this to make up for it and say that i'm thankfully still alive and well!!

anyways um yeah, i hope you're all doing okay !! (embarrased to say, i cried while writing this.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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