Hello Again

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Salim's breath caught in his throat as he rounded the corner. There, standing casually outside his home, was Jason Kolchek. Salim's surprise curdled into weariness as he spotted the tiny form perched on Jason's shoulder—Zeddle.

Salim strode forward, panic rising in his chest. "Give him to me," he demanded, palm outstretched.

Jason hesitated only a moment before plucking Zeddle off his shoulder. The tiny borrower child looked absolutely miniscule in the soldier's large hands. Jason deposited Zeddle onto Salim's waiting palm. Zeddle immediately scurried into the hollow of Salim's curled fingers, seeking shelter.

Salim brought Zeddle close to his face. "Are you hurt?" he murmured. Zeddle shook his head, but Salim noticed he favored his left leg. Fury simmered within him.

"What did you do to him?" Salim snarled at Jason.

Jason held up both hands. "Wasn't me. Eric got kinda rough."

Salim's felt his anger boil. The Americans had broken into his home. They had taken Zeddle, interfering with the child he had sworn to protect. Salim continued to scrutinize the little borrower, turning him this way and that, checking for any other injuries.

Salim gently ran a finger over Zeddle's head and down his back, checking for any signs of injury. The tiny boy flinched at first but soon relaxed into his touch.

"Can you stand, Zeddle?" Salim's voice was barely above a whisper, coaxing encouragement. He turned his hand palm up and flat, giving the boy a chance to stand.

Zeddle's attempt was valiant but short-lived. He tried to put weight on his sprained ankle, earning a pained gasp.

"Jason," Salim snapped, his head snapping up to lock eyes with the Marine, "This is not 'rough,' this is harm!"

Jason's posture stiffened defensively, hands raised in a gesture of innocence. "I didn't do anything to the kid, Salim. "I'm telling you the truth. I protected him the best I could."

Salim scrutinized Jason, searching for deceit. But the earnestness in Jason's brown eyes gave him pause. Out of all the Americans, Salim trusted Jason the most. He would take his word for it......for now.

"Very well. I believe you." He gently stroked Zeddle's back, murmuring reassurances in Arabic as the frightened child clung to his thumb.

Salim cradled Zeddle protectively as he turned his attention back to Jason. "Tell me, why are you and your men here?"

"Look, I know you're upset, but getting angry won't help the situation. Let me explain."

He paused, glancing around warily as if checking they were alone.

"The truth is, we're on the run from our own people. There's this shadow organization, Cencom. We need your help; we're in real trouble here."

Salim's stance softened slightly, but his eyes remained wary. "What is this Cencom?."

Jason hesitated before speaking. "Cencom is a shadow organization deeply embedded in the government. They cover up anything weird or unexplained - aliens, monsters, stuff like that tiny kid. And if they can't cover it up, they take it for themselves to experiment on."

Salim's eyes lit up with understanding. "Aw, I see. Is this about the vampires?"

"Yeah......it is. But they want to experiment with that stuff on my team." Jason explained with an angry frown.

Salim tensed and clutched Zeddle tighter. The thought of an organization like that getting its hands on the tiny, vulnerable borrower child... made Salim's blood run cold. They would see Zeddle as little more than a mouse, ripe for experimentation. The boy would spend the rest of his short life caged, crying out for a home and family that was oceans away.

"You led them here," Salim said tightly. "You brought this danger to my doorstep."

"Wasn't intentional," Jason said. "Your place was just the first bolt-hole we could think of. We had no idea Cencom would pick up our trail so quick."

Salim let out a long breath, shoulders slumping in resignation.

"Fine," he bit out. "I have a contact in London who may be able to help us get to England undetected. We can leave as soon as possible."

Jason nodded, relief flooding his face. "Good, that's really good."

His gaze dropped back to Zeddle, brow furrowing. "Gotta ask though - what the hell is that kid? Never seen anything like him."

"Zeddle is a borrower," Salim explained, feeling the weight of the boy's fragile body in his palm. "Likely from your America."

"Never heard of borrowers," Jason said, shaking his head as if to clear it from absurdity. "Little pipsqueaks like him don't exist where I'm from."

"Ah," Salim chuckled despite the gravity of their situation. "I found him at a puppet stand, believe it or not."

"A puppet stand?" Jason's brow furrowed even deeper. "You're messing with me."

"Life is strange, my friend." Salim shrugged, his lips quirking up at the corners.

Jason shook his head, staring at Zeddle in wonder. The tiny boy shyly peeked out at Jason from the shelter of Salim's hands, still untrusting but also deeply curious.

Salim's expression grew serious again. "We can discuss more later. For now, I think our small friend has had enough excitement."

Salim lowered Zeddle into his shirt pocket with exceeding care, where the borrower immediately curled into a tiny ball. His nerves were clearly frayed after the day's events.

"Come," Salim beckoned Jason. "We have much to discuss, and I believe I owe you all a good meal."

As they walked towards the house, a mischievous glint sparked in Salim's eyes, the cogs of retribution beginning to turn in his mind. Eric would pay for causing Zeddle distress, even if it were through the medium of culinary vengeance. A spicy dish that could scorch the tongue seemed fitting—a silent yet searing reminder to handle everything that mattered to Salim with care.

"Hope your friend Eric likes his food hot," Salim remarked offhandedly to Jason, the hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hot?" Jason echoed, raising an eyebrow. "How hot are we talking?"

"Let's just say he'll feel the desert heat with every bite." Salim chuckled.

"Man, you're not going to kill him, are you?" Jason asked, half-joking but with a twinge of genuine concern.

"Relax," Salim replied, pushing open the front door. "It's just a friendly reminder not to harm someone under my care." 

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