07- Family & Pack*

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Bash's sisters above with her in wolf form too.^^Kimbers shirt at the end

There was an extra car in the driveway and I knew that his family was here. I parked in the street so I wouldn't have to move it later and got out of my car, running a little faster than I should have in heels. Another reason I shouldn't have done that is because I'm in grass.

Why I'm saying this, well because this happened.

I tripped and fell in the grass. My clothes were all messed up and I had a white shirt on, now it has a grass stain on it. My left heel broke and my hair was messed up. His family was sitting inside too...

I got up groaning and then walked through the threshold. I shut the door behind me and saw him and his family staring wide eyed at me.

"Never run through the grass in heels. Never," I said taking my broken shoe off first then the other shoe. I threw them in the trash.

"Kimber you ran through the grass didn't you," Bash said. I turned around and nodded. He just started laughing.

"Hey that's not funny. Those shoes cost like $100 dollars. That's a lot of money for me," He just laughed harder, "Fine then. At least I don't kidnap people."

That made him stop and widen his eyes. I heard a gasp.

"Sebastian Gray Black! Did you kidnap you're mate!?"

Oh my god his name was awesome. Gray Black. Priceless! I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"Kimber s-stop making jokes like t-that."

"Jokes? I'm not making a joke," Then I winked at him. Bash walked up to me and started tickling me. I started running. I. Am. Very. Ticklish.

My good arm was grabbed and I was pulled up against him chest. I started squirming.

"Don't do it!"


Then he started tickling me. I laughed I had tears coming out of my eyes. He stopped and let me go and I fell on the floor catching my breath. Bash picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I found his underwear and Bash stopped, "Kimber....Don't-" I pulled up, "Pull," He said in a high voice.

He fell on his knees and I was put down. I stood up and fixed my clothes and walked over to his family. "Sorry that I look like this," I said.

The lady got up and hugged me, "You are perfect for him."

I put my arms around her and soon she let go. I looked at the lady and she had black-ish hair with blue eyes. She sat back down and a guy, definitely Bash's dad because why would he do that to Bash's mom if he wasn't. He had light-ish brown hair with icy blue eyes.

Next to them were two girls. One girl who looked about 17 had black hair and icy blue eyes. The other girl who was about 9 had light brown hair and blue eyes. His sisters I'm guessing. All my money is on that.

Once Bash got back on his feet he introduced me to them. April was the one with black hair she was 17. Avery was the 9 year old. His parents names are Joe and Kara. We all talked and got everything cleared up about the kidnapping thing. Past things.

We ate dinner even though it was almost 7. I loved his family even though it was weird at first. Lucy and Finn went shopping. She forgot to get some clothes so ya. Avalon and Grey were on a date. Lucy must have forgotten a lot of clothes to not be back yet. Poor Finn...Oh well.

Right now I was getting dressed for bed after taking a shower. I came out and Bash was sitting on the bed waiting for me. I jumped on him and kissed him on the lips.

"Does getting marked hurt?"

"Well maybe a little at first I heard. But after a half a minute or something it goes away."

I nodded, "Then mark me."

"You sure?"

I nodded smiling. He kissed down my neck and held onto my upper arms. The bruises had healed but my wrist had not. When he got to the spot he punctured my skin with his canines. I gasped and squirmed a little but then I moaned. He took his teeth out, licked the bite getting the blood off and closing it.

He kissed me on the forehead before I got off of him and got under the covers. He turned the light off and snuggled close to me. I fell asleep about a minute after that.


I woke wrapped up in Bash's arms. He was staring at me. I groaned and closed my eyes, turning around in his arms.

"Baby wake up. I want to show you the pack house."

I groaned in response.

"Fine," He got up and went somewhere. He came back and lifted me up and set me on top of the covers. He pulled my cotton shorts down and put something else on my legs. Jean shorts I think.

"What are you doing Bash?" I slurred out. I wasn't drunk. I was just tired, I mean I have to clean my whole house tomorrow. I have to ask Lucy and Avalon to go and get their personal things and leave anything they don't want.

"Changing you. You're wearing a bra right."

I didn't remember if I was so I put my hands on my boobs. Weird I know but I'm half asleep, "Sports bra. Leave that on."


He pulled the shirt over my head and put on another one. My hair was already up in a messy bun, not the one where you do a pony tail and then wrap it around the other one.

(A/N I can't explain it so I hope you understand.)

Bash picked me up bridal style and carried me outside, "Babe were just going to walk there okay?"

I nodded. I opened my eyes and looked down. I had on the shorts from going to the mall. I thought I put those in the hamper? Then I just had on my nirvana shirt. But a lot of my stomach was showing.

"Bash I thought you didn't like my belly showing."

"Yeah but you're marked and my pack knows that if they look at my mate in that way there will be horrible consequences."

I nodded and shut my eyes again. Well I wonder how many pack members he has. Guess I'll find out in a minute or two.


So here it is. The hair she has will be shown next. Any questions or confusion tell me below.

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