something different...

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It was a bit awkward for us throughout the day...and we managed to live with eachother and had our conversation a bit more comfortable but we were talking like friends...and not partners...I guess this is how arranged marriage works...we were very distanced...I am a doctor so I had to work alot sometimes on Sundays too he was an employee in an IT company...he was busy too we didn't talk or communicate much but we also didn't feel awkward while we were together...we didn't have any physical contact we don't hold hands while walking, we don't feed eachother food, we don't give goodnight or goodbye was not romantic at all... until one day...

Zara : let's buy some groceries...and some other things...we also need some more clothes..(she said as she was looking at her laptop while sitting on her desk)

Ron : okay...when? (He asks as he was scrolling through social media while laying on the bed)

Zara : today?

Ron : Hmm fine...get ready.. we'll go now... I have some works in the evening..

Zara : okay (she closed the laptop and got ready...she picked up her bag ) and said let's go...

They both got into the car and the usual silence was in the car...

Ron : did you bring the list?

Zia : yeah..I did

They reached the market...and looked around as they was full of it was a Sunday...

As they both were walking they saw a couple...the guy kissed her was was very awkward... both looked away thinking the same thing... which was the distance that never closed between them...they walked and bought some things...

Zara : where can we find the dining glasses?

Employee : it's on the 4th floor mam...

Zara : okay thankyou...(She said and went over to the floor...he was walking behind her his hands in his pockets...)

They got in and the lift moved... it was going the lift was already a bit crowded and more crowd entered as they stopped at each floor...

zara was standing in the corner while Ron was infront of her...they crowd increased and people squished eachother...Ron was pushed and he tried to create space between his back and zara but he couldn't..he didn't want her to get hurt ..

So he turned to her side... facing her...his hands balancing on the wall behind her her trapped between his arms ...he looked at her their gaze met...they looked away...there was still space in between as people pushed all of a sudden Ron leaned against her...her face was so close to his chest...she flinched...

Ron : sorry...(His voice a bit too deep as he didn't talk for so long and his heart beating so fast...)

Zara : no... it's just...uh Sunday so it's a bit um crowded...( Her heart was beating so fast as they have never been this close...his chest was just 2 centimetres away from her face she could hear his heartbeats...)

Ron : yeah...yeah..(I was being pushed from hands reached  her waist as I was trying not to fall over her)

Zara : (his hands were on my breath hitched...I tried to control... I was sweating) why is this taking so long...

Ron : you're ri- (the doors opened...the crowd released some space...I created more space between us....and we got off the lift)..

They walked in silence...but the tension was too much...they somehow bought the things...and it's about to get evening and Rah had to meet his friend related to work...

Ron :'s so late...I have to meet my friend at 5...can we go there after shopping it okay or should drop you at home first...

Zara : it's fine let's go there and we can go home after that

Ron : okay then..( I paid the bill , we get outside the shopping mall and I place all the things inside the car )

They both went to his friends house..Rah rings the calling zara was in the car still...the friend looked at Zara from the door and asked

Vin : is that your wife bro?

Ron : yeah she is...( He said while rubbing the back ok his neck)

Vin's reaction was so different as if he knows her...

Rah : you know her?

Vin : no no...I don't...

They talked about all the stuff and he get out after 15 min and he opens the car zara was's almost evening and it was getting late it was almost night...

Ron's POV

As I saw zara sleeping I tried not to make noise and sat...and Started to ride woke up... rubbing her eye...
"Is it over? " She asks....

"yeah..I discussed..." She nodded...rain started to pour so was dark...and we can hear it very was so much rain...we were driving in a place where there was no house or anything around...the car stopped...

"what's wrong with this now..." I muttered I have to check I said and went over to open the car door...but I felt Zara's hands holding the sleeve of my shirt..."no... don't go... you'll catch a cold..." I was shocked by her sudden action...

"yeah but I have to check...we cannot be here forever..." Let me come I'll hold the umbrella...she said I felt something different in her eyes .. something I have never seen or felt before...I nodded in agreement...

I got off the car and she also did ..and she came over to the front where I was standing and raised the umbrella over my head...not caring about her getting wet...I opened the front of the car and saw the engine and stuff but nothing changed the the car was still standing like a statue..I tried but it didn't work...

"damn this car is too much...we have to call someone over and we have to go by someother car or bu-s and the car started before I could complete my sentence...

"yay!!! Zara shouts...and jumped..she hands reached her waist before I could think about it...

Zara's POV

I jumped as the car started...I it was raining and the road was wet and slippery...I closed my eyes thinking I'll definitely fall...but ...he held me...he caught me...

his hands gripping my waist my chest pressed against his...I opened my eyes slowly...he was looking at me...his hair wet and damp by the rain... falling over his forehead...his brown eyes looking into mine...I saw think that's what it was...

our gaze met and we were froze for about 15 seconds..and I cleared my throat...thanks...I said as I get released from his grip...his hands leaving my waist...and that area felt empty...very heart if it was gonna burst any minute...

he nodded..."let's get inside..." He said and his voice husky all of a sudden...we both got Inside the car ...

I thought "Oh my God... what is happening today... This has never happened ever..." We felt the tension between us...he ruffled his wet hair and started to drive...we still had a long way to go...and to avoid the awkwardness..I broke the silence by saying...

"shall I play some music?" Go ahead he said....and the song called you belong with me by Taylor Swift Started to play..."Wrong timing for a love song" I thought...

even this universe is playing with our life... making things harder...

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