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Beyoncé K
Buffalo, NY

We just got off the plane, back from Houston

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We just got off the plane, back from Houston. I was already feeling sick. Home sick. We stayed out there for an extra few days because I wasn't ready to come back to New York.

"Cheer up baby. You'll be back." My mama patted my back. That ain't make me feel better at all. It made me even sadder.

I want to be home.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked Onika as I took her hand. I eventually wrapped my arm around her knowing she was sleepy.

"Yeah I had the best time. The rodeo was my favorite." She giggled. I couldn't wait to show her my side. The girls really had the time of their lives and I was happy to give them that experience.

The food, the music, the culture in general. I was happy to share it. I feel like people come to Houston for what they see on social media. When I showed the girls it was more than that, they were happy to see and experience each and every part. I showed them what a Tik tok couldn't, hospitality.

"My favorite is when you fell off the bull before 10 seconds."

"First of all... it was longer than 10 seconds. I don't know how you lasted that long on there!"

"It took a while." I laughed.
"But I just kept trying and trying. You'll get used to it." She continued talking about the experience. I'm pretty sure her favorite part was the aquarium. She told me she never been to one, so she enjoyed that the most.

We also looked at houses while we were down there. She loved them. But, part of me feels like she's not ready to leave New York just yet. While searching, the only difference she found was the prices.

That alone would've had me secured, truthfully. Rent up north? A rip off if you ask me.

"So who coming with me?" My mama asked as we approached our cars. Ocean and Ming looked at Onika.

"Oni?" She just nodded her head. They smiled, giving her hugs, before running to the car with my mother.

"Text me babies." She gave us both a kiss before getting into the SUV.

I opened the door for Onika, traveling to the other side. I looked over to the passenger side and Onika was already nodding off to sleep.

I just played some music lowly and made the trip to the house as quickly as I can. It was getting dark and I hate driving in the dark. Plus, im tired.

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