Chapter 4

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-Scarlets Pov-

It's been two weeks since Claire's 'get together.' I have become really close with the boys, Beau, Jai, Skip, and James. Even the Brooks brothers mom, Gina. But the out of all of the people that I was becoming friends with, Luke still wasn't one. We haven't talked since that morning that I yelled at him. Every time I go over to his house to hang out with his brothers, he still gives me that ugly look, but by now, I'm used to it.

My phone vibrates on the bedside table, and I answer it.


"Hey wanna go hang out at the boys' house tonight?" Claire asks me, with a cheerful tone.

"Uh yeah, but why so happy?" I chuckle at her excitement.

"You'll see tonight. Pack your bag and tell your mom your staying the night at my place. I'll pick you up at six."

I hang up and go to touch up my makeup, since I already had some on from earlier today. I put on a black crop top, with denim shorts and black converse. I straighten my hair then pack my bag. I hear the doorbell ring from downstairs. Perfect timing Claire.

I run over to my sisters room, saying a quick goodbye, then go downstairs.

"Bye mom going to Claire's." I yell, and walk out the door.

"You look cute." She says as I get into the car. I roll my eyes and put my seatbelt on. "I could say the same to you." I reply, studying her. Her lips are soaked in gloss, and her boobs are popping out of her shirt.

She giggles and pulls up into the Brooks' driveway. I get out of the car and she beats me to the front door.

"Hey guys!" Claire yells, and everyone rushes over to where we were.. I walk in behind her and put my bag down on the bench next to the door.

"Scarlet!" I hear everyone say. I turn around finding that Skip and James were here too. "Hey boys." I laugh, hugging them all.

I take off my shoes and go to the lounge room. I turn on the TV and lay on the couch.

"Beau!" I yell, hoping to grab his attention. "Yes?" He asks, walking into the room.

"Will you pretty please go make popcorn?" I ask, making a puppy face. But instead of him making me popcorn, Beau plops right on top of me.

"Get off of me Beau!" I laugh, trying to push him off, but it doesn't work.

"Are you saying," He begins, "You're gonna watch Spongebob and eat popcorn without us?!" I lean my head towards his face, as if I'm going to kiss him. As he leans in too, I slap his face.

"Yes!" I say, finally able to push him off. He gasps like a girl and runs up to me, grabbing me tight and covering my mouth.

"Someone make popcorn, we're watching Spongebob everyone." Beau yells. I attempt to kick him in the leg, but I terribly miss him.

"You missed him like fuck." James laughs as he walks into the room, along with everyone else. Jai holds the bowl of popcorn, placing it on the table in the middle of the room. Finally, I see Claire walk in after everyone else. I look down at her hand, which in intertwined with someone else's. Luke. She's dating Luke. That's why she was so happy earlier, and that's the whole reason why she wanted to come here.

I feel jealousy wash over me, watching them sit down as Claire cuddles with him. The thought of my best friend and the guy I... hated, together was bad enough. Looking at it was even worse.

"So are we gonna play?" Skip asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. I take one last look at Luke and Claire, and nod my head yes, even though I had no clue what game was about to be played.

"Scarlet, truth or dare?" Jai asks me, and I pick truth. "How long was your longest relationship?" I look down at the ground in embarrassment. All the questions in the world, and this one had to be asked.

"I've never had a boyfriend." I say, and everyone looks at me in shock.

"You've got to be kidding?" Beau asks, and I shake my head. "Wow." Is all that comes out of his mouth.

"My turn." I say, breaking the silence in the room. "James, truth or dare?"

"Dare." He answers, and I try to quickly think of a dare. "I dare you to call your mom and tell her you got a girl pregnant." I say, and every body agrees.

"Mum?" He asks, and mutes it right away to laugh. After a few minutes, his dare finishes and everyone laughs.

"Okay okay, Luke truth or dare?"

"Truth." He answers. This time out of all times I've heard him speak, he was actually not snappy like usual. "Who do you fancy?" James asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Claire, duh." He says, and leans his head towards Claire for a kiss. I look away and puff in disgust.

"Hey I'm gonna go make myself a drink." I say, and walk out of the room fast. I walk into the kitchen, and instead of making a a drink, I place my head in my hands, leaning on the counter. Gosh, what is going on with me today.

I feel a pair of hands tightly around both of my wrists, pushing me against the wall. Daniel watches me as I try to get out of my grip, but he's just too strong.

"Just admit it!" He says quietly, so the others won't be able to hear us.

"Admit what?" I ask, pushing him as hard as I can. "That you like Luke. I see the way you look at him Scarlet. The jealousy in your eyes when he puts his attention towards Claire. It's so obvious." He laughs.

"I do not like Luke! He hates me." I say firmly, finding my way out of his grip.

"So you're saying if he didn't hate you, you would like him?" Skip asks, and I roll my eyes. I walk back into the lounge room and sit down where I did before I left. "Scarlet truth or dare." Beau asks. Me again? Dang.

"Dare." I say, and Beau takes a second to think about it. "I dare you to jump in the pool fully clothed, from out balcony." Beau says. That's a pretty risky dare, but in front of everyone, I don't want to look scared. I accept the dare and make my way upstairs, with everyone behind me. I open the doors to the balcony, and stand on the edge.

"Alright guys ready for the scariest dare you'll see a girl do?" I laugh, and everyone nods. I stand on the edge of the bars, and take a deep breath in. I release my hands from the bars, and feel myself free falling. As my body makes it's way towards the pool, I feel my wrist hit the concrete, and shorty after, my head. Only my legs were in the pool, and my waist up was on the concrete.

My head pounds and everything around me becomes blurry. "Holy shit, call an ambulance!" I hear Luke yell, and my sight goes black.

Sorry for the long wait everyone! Thanks for reading my story and leaving your nice comments. Add this story to your reading list so you don't miss one of my updates!(-:

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