Chapter 2

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"Okay for seven minutes, you're going in the closet with Luke!" Daniel says, and I look up to see who's Luke. I see him staring me dead in the eyes, and I awkwardly look away.

Great, fucking great. The one who pretty much hates me for no reason. My palms instantly get sweaty and my heart's pounding loud enough, I bet everyone can hear it. He gets up and walk towards the closet, then turns around to face me.

"Well aren't you gonna come?" He snaps. My eyes widen at his harsh tone. I stand up and make my way to the closet. I slowly shut the door behind us and lean my back against the wall.

Obviously we aren't going to do anything, not that i wanted to anyways. Especially not now, with this hatred look he's been giving me.

My eyes travel around the room, deciding if I should look at him. I look from out the corner of my eye, seeing he's already staring at me. My cheeks get red fast. Hopefully its dark enough in here so he cant see it.

Okay Scarlet, now's your chance to fine out. I turn to face him and begin to speak.

"Okay what's your problem?" I ask. I haven't done anything to him, so it better not be about me.

He doesn't answer, but still looks at me, even more angrier.

"Hello?" I ask, louder now.

"Piss off why don't you?" He yells, walking straight out of the closet. I walk out behind him, looking at the group of people sitting in the circle.

Luke walks straight out the door, slamming it behind him. Everyone turns their heads to me, waiting for an explanation.

"Fucking cheater." I say, making the group laugh. I fake a laugh with them, and sit back down.

"Sorry about that." A boy named Jai tells me. I assume their twins since they are almost identical, except for a few features. "Luke has a short temper, he gets mad very easily. I just don't know what up with him today. He was smiling before you got here." He says the last words quietly, regretting what just came out of his

"Lets get on with the game." Rose says, and everyone begins to spin the bottle again.


"Wasn't that fun?" Claire asks me, as I change into my pajamas. Since Claire and I were so close, I kept spare clothes in her room for when I stayed over.

"Yeah, it really was." I lie, and thankfully she believes me. My thoughts begins to go back to Luke and his attitude that I caused. I never want to talk to that boy again.

*beep* My phone goes off.

From: Beau
Heeeyy (:

I smile and reply right away.

To: Beau
What's up? :p

My phone goes off moments later, and I check the text.

From: Beau
Wanna hang tomorrow at seven? (:

I read the text over and over again. I could feel my blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" Claire asked, wiggling her eyebrows. She looks down at my phone, and her eyes widen as she reads the text.

"Oh my god Scarlet you have to go!" She says. Claire's had much experience with guys, so I am thankful that someone can help me with that.

To: Beau
yeah, sounds good (;

I get under the covers beside Claire on her bed. She turns her body so that our heads are facing each other.

"You're gonna have a blast, Beau's a flirt." She says, turning off her lamp.

I close my eyes and mentally prepare myself for tomorrow, soon enough falling asleep.


My eyes flutter open, almost becoming blind from the sunlight shining through the window. Claire is still asleep next to me.

I grab my phone and unlock it, checking the time. Already twelve?

I rub my eyes and start shaking Claire.

"Get up it's twelve." I say while she groans. I sit up adjusting my sight, and go back on my phone. I decide to text my sister and see how she's doing.

To: Sarah
how are you sis?

From: Sarah
good, thanks for asking<3

"Aren't you gonna get ready?" Claire asks me, and I look up from my phone.

"Get ready for what?"

"Your date with beau silly!" She says laughing. She thinks we're going on a date?

"Okay look it's not a date, it's just two people hanging out, getting to know each other. And why would I need to get ready, isn't it too early to be getting ready?"

"No of course not. Haven't you ever gotten ready to be with a boy?" She asks, and I shake my head no.

"Well, here's your first!" She says, pulling me out the bed.

She began curling my hair and doing my makeup. Claire is in beauty school, which is why I let her doll me up every time there's an event coming up.

I throw on a pink strapless shirt with some white shorts and converse. By the time I'm done getting ready, it's about seven. Dang, she was right. Time flew by fast.

Claire offers to drive me and does as told. Once we arrived into his driveway, I looked over to Claire.

"Okay, call me and tell me everything when you get home!" She says, and I nod.

I walk up to the front door and knock. The house was huge and gorgeous.

The door opens and I see Beau smiling at me. He pulls in for a hug and I do the same.

"You look nice." He compliments me, looking up and down my body.

"Thank you. Now stop checking me out you perv." I tease, and he allows me inside.

"Want a house tour?" He asks, and I say yes. I really want to see more or this house.

"So here's the kitchen, and the living room." He says in a American/girl voice, making me laugh.

"And down the hallway here's my room, Jai's room and-" He was cut off by someone walking out of the next room.

"Oh hey Luke." Beau says, scratching his neck. What the actual fuck?

"Hey where's the-" Luke stops mid sentence once his eyes lay on me. We make eye contact for a few seconds. His eyes hit the floor and he shoves past Beau to walk away.

He storms down the hall, and I watch him until his body goes out of sight.
Beau looks at me and I sigh.

"Shall we continue with the tour?" He asks and I nod my head. Beau starts talking about the rooms, but my mind trails off.

Seriously what is up with that kid. I don't know what I did for him to treat me like this, but I'm really starting to not like him.

-Luke's Pov-

I push Beau out of my way and storm down the hall. All I wanted to know was where the controller was, but I get a surprise. Oh look, Scarlets here, in my house!

I saw her for the first time last night, she was honestly gorgeous. But as crazy as it seems, it's true. I didn't want to see her.

For one reason, and one reason only.


"One reason only" Ahah
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