Chapter 5

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-Luke's Pov-

I wake up from short little nap I took in the very uncomfortable chair beside Scarlet's hospital bed. Ever since the incident happened last night, I haven't left her side.

Last night I only asked out Claire so I could make Scarlet jealous. All the boys knew what I was up to, and they seemed as if they had no problem with it. Last night was going to be the night I would finally express my feelings towards Scarlet, until Beau had to ruin everyone's night.

Everyone is really pissed at Beau. The only person who's talking to him is James. For the past three hours, Beau has been walking back in her room every ten minutes to see if she's awake, so he can tell her sorry right away.

-Flashback Starts-

"Holy shit, call an ambulance!" I yelled straight after seeing Scarlet hit her wrist and head on the concrete. Daniel dials the number and I run downstairs, picking her up bridal style, seeing she was already knocked out.

The ambulance arrives and takes Scarlet out of my arms immediately. Everyone tries to squeeze their way in the truck, but one of the men cuts in front of us.

"Two people only." The man says, and everyone looks at each other. "Luke and I will go." Daniel says, and we hop into the vehicle.

"You really care about her don't you?" Daniel asks me, and I look down at her, peacefully laying down.

"Yeah, I do." I say to him.

"So why didn't you tell her earlier? You've been putting up that act like you hate her, you should've just told her the truth."

"Well now she hates me for it. I kept it to myself because I know how these things go for me, I always end up hurting the girl. And since I laid eyes on her, I knew she was too special to be hurt."

We arrive at the hospital, along with all of our friends in the van behind us. Scarlet had to get surgery on her wrist, so we all decided to be patient in the waiting room until she woke up.

I sit down on one of the couches as Claire does the same, snuggling up into my chest. "She's gonna be okay baby." She says, leaning in for a kiss, but I slightly push her away.

"No. Sorry Claire, I don't like you like that. I was having mixed feelings, and now I know they're actually true for Scarlet." I confess, and anger fills her face.

"That bitch. I knew this was going to happen. She's gonna pay for this!" She yells and storms out the hospital. So much for a true friend.

Scarlets mom finally arrives at the hospital, and we all wait until we are aloud into the room.

"Okay are you guys here for Scarlet Grace?" The doctor asks, and we all nod yes. "She hit her head pretty hard, she has a concussion. If she wakes up, don't put too much pressure on her, or else it could cause her even more pain." She notifies us.

After a few minutes, they allow us into the room, and I take a seat next to Scarlet's bed. Everyone quietly talks to her as she sleeps, and I never leave her side.

-End of Flashback-

I'm planning on telling Scarlet my feelings as soon as she wakes up. Well at least after Beau tells her he's terribly sorry.

Scarlets eyes flicker open, and she sits up. She sees me sitting beside her bed, and as she is about to say something, Beau interrupts by barging into the room.

"Scarlet!" He says running up to her and giving her a hug. She hugs back,
accidentally whopping him hard in the back with the cast on her wrist.

"Oh shit sorry. I didn't realize I had this on." She laughs, as he does the same.

"I'm really sorry. I should've never dared you that stupid idea. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship?" Beau asks.

"Of course not Beau! You'll always be my bestie no matter what." She says, and they hug again. "Gosh my head is pounding like bitch."

"I'll leave then. See you later." Beau waves, and she waves back, then looks over, meeting eyes with me.

"Why are you here?" Scarlet asks me. Here goes nothing. "Well I just wanted to talk to you about-"

I suddenly stop, remembering what the doctor said. We couldn't put much pressure on her once she woke up because of her concussion. Being the coward I am, I run out of the room and out the doors quickly.

I guess she'll never know how I feel..

-Scarlet's Pov-

The heck was that about? It's already strange seeing Luke in my room, but running out of it, even more strange.

A doctor walks in and gives me a small smile. I try to do the same back, but fail.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asks, and I nod my head yes. "Great, we'll have you out of here in no time. Just make sure to take everything easy the next few days, and take the medication I've given your mom everyday." She says, and helps me out of the bed. I try to tie my shoes, but end up letting my mom do it, because of my cast.

My mom drives us home, and I go upstairs to greet and tell my sister the crazy story that had happened last night.

I go back downstairs, grab my phone, and head for the front door. I decide to take a walk down the sidewalk so I could clear my head.

Before Luke ran out of my room, he told me he wanted to talk to me about something. This time he really didn't look mad at me. Eh, probably only because he felt bad that I was hurt.

"You bitch!" I hear a familiar voice yell behind me. Before I can even turn around, I tumble to the ground, with Claire on top of me.

"I knew you and Luke were hooking up. He's mine you dirty slut!" Claire screams, then begins to punch and scratch my face. What the actual fuck?! I've never been in a fight before, and never would I come to think it would be with my best friend. But here I am, letting her hit me for no reason.

I take my wrist and hit her in the head as hard as I can with my cast. She grabs her head and begins to wince in pain.

"Before you call my a slut, wear some looser clothes, actually your size." I say. I spit on her, and run away before she can get up.

Luke Brooks. He's dead.

Thank you for everyone who has been reading my story. It means a lot. Add it to your library so you don't miss one of my updates! (-:

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