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Rosie woke up with increased heart rate, shallow breaths as she looked around with wide eyes. Her gaze lingered at Hae sitting, sleeping at the sofa. She saw the time on the clock, it was around five minutes passed four and half. Her left arms still wrapped to keep it still. She moved her right hand to her chest, feeling her increased heart beat.

She realised she eyes were teary, when she wiped her tears with the cuff of her sleeves. She didn't knew she was crying until she felt the wetness on her cheeks.

It was again there, the dream. She is having this drama for many days, sometimes she will see people fighting and shooting at each other. Sometime she will see a person reaching for her hand, holding a gun at her. Just when she reached the figure, tried to hold her hand, she was awake.

She closes her eyes every night to sleep. Hoping to get a peaceful sleep, but only to end up having the dream. And today the figure, resembling a female , brunette, but wasn't able to see her face appeared in her dream.

She sighed leaning back to her bed. Most of time she forgets what happens in her dreams, but this time she remembered what it was about. She was about to ask her father about it yesterday but ended up asking nothing. She will try to speak Jisoo and others about it, but it was too early for that, she will do it  when they will be home. Home, she is finally going home after almost two weeks waking up to her conscious.

At last she will go home, away from these machines, beeping above her head all time, she is tired of staying entrapped in these four walls all day. She sighed again, closing her eyes anticipating to get some real sleep.

Rosie awakened by Jisoo tapping on her cheek. She mumbled something, but Roseanne refused to listen anything pulled the blanket upto her face. Jisoo pulled the blanket down from her face.

She saw Jisoo stood there looking at her while smirking and Lisa standing beside her smiling while looking at her. Earning a huffed sigh from the blonde.

" Time to get up sleepy chipmunk, we are going home today. " Lisa said excitedly, Rosie tore her gaze from Jisoo and looked at Lisa. She smiled at her while nodding.

" Get up Chae, it's already past ten we gave to home too, so why make it late. " Jisoo said as she was scanning some papers in her hand. Rosie nodded as Lisa helped her get up and get into the wheelchair.

A nurse came to accompany Rosie to the bathroom, to get fresh in the mean time as Jisoo arranged everything required for her discharge.

After a while Rosie emerged from the washroom, changed in a comfortable tee and loose pajama, as jeans would have scratched her wounds more and her hairs tied up in a pony.

" Let's go home. Shall we?" Hae said as Roseanne smiled at him, Hae pushed  the wheelchair out of the room, followed by Lisa's and other bodyguards.

They reached the reception where Jisoo was doing the paper work, she turned back to see the three already reaching her. After signing the papers Jisoo walked towards them as she smiled at Roseanne.

" All set to go?"

" Yup." Rosie said as Lisa squealed in delight. Roseanne's response didn't showed her eagerness to go home, but Jisoo thought it might be because of the exhaustion.

Confined to ask more Jisoo lead them to the parking area, Roseanne herself got up from chair as she got into the car. Her rubs were almost healed, but the pain was still there so she was restricted to do alot of movements.

They drove to their shared apartment. Roseanne was quiet the whole ride, only speaking when asked something. Jisoo found it unusual for Roseanne to stay quiet as Lisa was blabbering and bickering with Hae while sitting beside her.

Roseanne gaze settled outside the car, putting her head on the headrest she closed her eyes. Thinking about what she discovered through her dreams, moreover not dreams they seem too real to be dreams. Torn between the confusion of reality and dreams she fell asleep on the way.

She woke up when Mason knocked on the car's window. Rosie got upand saw him standing there to welcome her. She got out of the car to give him a hug as Lisa supported her to walk into the house.

Every Guard and maids were bowing to her, welcoming her back and giving her blessings to heal and get well soon. Everyone was happy, but the corner of her heart aching to confront them, but same time the happiness she saw on the faces of her loved ones wasn't worth ruining just to clear some doubt. She smiled at them as they all say in the living room talking about anything, hiding the prin in her honey brown eyes.

Sipping on her juice Rosie thought to initiate the conversation.

" Dad?"

" Yes Dear." He said as he gulped few sips of wine.

" The gold deal, did we already made it? " She noticed how the room feel into silence. His father's brow raised at Jisoo who shrugged while trending up. Lisa and Hae shared a knowing look.

" See, you aren't even fully recovered and here you are already taking Arbour the deals. Uncle didn't i day it was better when she was at hospital. " Lisa said breaking the tension before Roseanne could oppose.

" Now I too feel Lisa was right. Don't burden yourself with all the work. Me and Jisoo are fine handling it, in the mean time you kiss have fun. Right Jisoo? " Main said while kissing out a side cycle as he again sipped on the wine.

Roseanne still looked at them for answers when she didn't got any she got up excusing herself to get some rest, she slowly walked upstairs followed by two maids.

They helped Roseanne to get into her room. When Roseanne assured she was alone she locked the door of her room as she walked towards the bed with a heavy feeling in her heart.

It was new for her father and friends to hide something from her.

' It might be true that they might not know it was her who planned all this.' she sat the chair near the window looking outside,   the dark sky.

' It might rain. ' she thought, still looking outside the window. She closed her orbs as the memories of the accident came rushing to her vision. They are becoming clearer every time. She was able to see how she was betrayed as a person she truly trusted. A tear her left eyes, result of the pain endured in her heart. It was already evening as a maid entered with food in a tray for her, vegetable soup and a juice. She then took her medicine, after getting ready for bed, the maid helped her get into the bed before she left.

Then again Rosie was all alone in the room, the silence of the room piercing through her body making it hard for her to fall asleep as the memories of a certain someone came running to her mind again. She tried her best to get a hold of herself as her heart in the with the weight off the in her heart.

Earlier Lisa gave her the phone, she switched it open to scroll through the gallery and she found nothing, not even one pic of Jennie, she then opened her call logs as she searched for her number but there was none. Lisa said they gave it to some shop for repair as it might contain many important information, but some of the data like call logs and gallery including few more got deleted or something as they were secured under app locks.

She tried not to but a little cries left her lips, she turned to her side, folding her knees to her chest, trying not to them to tight or her rice will cause her pain. Turn between the faith she has for Jennie and the betrayal she got, all she could do was to bleed her heart out in form of sobs as cried.

In between the sobs, her turned biry have up as she unconsciously start to feel asleep as sudden noise of a gun short piercing through her ear drums.

She jerked her eyes open, looked around the room as she immediately got up resulting in her wincing in pain near thorax where her ribs were broken. But there was no one, she knew the voice was from out side as she peaked through her window to see what was happening.

Her eyes got wide open as she saw Jisoo holding the gun at the person she never wanted to see ever. But the sight made her heart ache in a way she couldn't understand or explain, making her feet walk downstairs.

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