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On the other side, Jennie determined to get Rosie back. She is not at Mansion. It's a weekend, and as the news of Roseanne getting back to her home from hospital reached her, through Joy. She is now more focused on how to apologise to Rosie, to get her back.

Past few days were very stressful for her that she couldn't see Rosie anymore as her mother said it was very dangerous to go there and visit her again. And her mom made her promise that she won't go to hospital, but will meet Roseanne after she will get discharged. So that's what she will, going to the parks and meet Rosie.

But more than that it was a relief for her that her mother stayed true to her words, she didn't told her father about anything. And helped her believe that Roseanne will forgive her. She made her believer that it might take time, she have to put many efforts but Roseanne will forgive her, eventually.

It was just confusing how well her mother knows about Roseanne. But all her mother said was that Roseanne had a good heart, and she just came to knew about this.

With Joy still working in the same hospital as Roseanne was admitted to, sighted to be very helpful. Even though Jennie wasn't able to see her every day but joy made sure to share Roseanne's progresses with her.

Sometimes she felt the guilty how she is making share all the confidential information of their patient to her as it was against a doctor's ethics. But Joy reassured her saying,

'All I am doing this because I really don't wanna deal with your grumpy sad ass and I wanna see you both together after Roseanne gets well.'

It's the last week of her summer holidays before their University opens again. And she definitely didn't want to go back to her college regretting that she didn't made it up with Rosie.

So she is finally here, at the road across the Park's apartment, where she knew Rosie and her friends stay. She is waiting there from one and half an hour now, two bottles of vodka emptied in the back seat of her car. Around an hour ago, she saw Mr. Park's car leaving the apartment. She is sure there is only Roseanne and her friends in the apartment.

She looked at herself in the mirror, straightened out her hairs as she pulled the engine on, peddling on the accelerator she moved towards the apartment.

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" Miss Kim, Miss. Jennie Kim is at the main gate, wanting to meet Miss. Park. I tried to shoo her away but she isn't going away and creating a fuss there. " One of the guards, Robert said from outside the door as Jisoo and Lisa were in Lisa's room.

He heard shuffling sound as the door opened in few seconds as Jisoo walked furiously out of the room.

" Then what the fuck you are doing here. Rather than threating her and getting rid of her you are here disturbing my night, can't you just handle one girl?" Robert lowered her head as he walked behind Jisoo. Jisoo extended her hand as he passed the pistol to her.

She reached the main gate as she saw a yellow Jeep broke inside the mansion. Jisoo too enraged loaded her gun, so ready to shot the girl as she let her feet touch the ground. But knew she can't let these emotions take best of her.

" Soo, please don't let your anger blind you, it'll just worsen it. And uncle won't want that. " She felt Lisa's presence beside her.

Jennie got off the car, little stumbling on her way as the guards pointed their guns at her. Restricting her to move forward, but the brunette didn't bothered as she walked towards Jisoo and Lisa.

Guards looking at Jisoo for a silent response to start firing, she eyed them to not to. Jisoo walked closer to her.

" What do you want from us?!"

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