Date I

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~Katsuki's POV~

"Ugh!" I huffed, collapsing onto my bed. After the idiots were aware of Deku's presence, it was pure chaos. Deku was throwing things, hiding things, doing creepy things, and damnit, did it terrify the others. I mean, I'd be terrified too if I were them, but I'm not, so.

Eventually, they decided they wanted to leave, but they were stuck here for another hour or two because Deku kept hinding their belongings or playing with them.

"You" I said, my voice muffled as my face was buried in my pillow "Are a fucking menace"

"I know" he said climbing onto me, his hands trailing up my thighs and making me shiver. My hamds twitched to stop him but I immediately remembered that I could not touch this man.

"Deku" I whined knowing what he wanted. I swear this ghost of a man was obsessed with me. Every chance he got he would grope and slap my ass, he'd pinch and tug on my nipples and he'd squeeze and stroke my dick. He was no stranger to random kisses either. He'd kiss my hands, my cheeks, my lips, my neck, my chest, my thighs, my ass, my dick.  Wherever he could, he'd kiss me. I just allowed this idiot to jerk me off yesterday, and he was already on this shit.

"I'm sorry, I- wait, no, I'm not," he chuckles using his ghostly ability to phase through my shorts, pressing his finger against my asshole.

"Quit that you fucktard!" I yelped blushing as I quickly got up, sitting on my bed, my back pressed up against the headboard and my eyes trained on him and his familiar mischievous grin.

"Oh come now darling" he tutted crawling over to me slowly, like a predator cornering his prey. That's what I felt like right now, his prey. "I know you enjoy this"

"Deku! Damnit, I let you jerk me off once and now you want to eat me alive" I growled in an annoyed tone

"Oh, no, actually I've always wanted to eat to alive" he clarifies waving me off, still closing in on me. I didn't move, there was nowhere to run. "I want to devour you and watch you writhe in pleasure, I want to fill you up and watch your lust consume you, I-"

"I GET IT! Damn!" I yelped, my face warmer than I'd like it to be

"Oh, you do? Perfect" he said grinning. He lunged forward and pinned my hands above my head, pressing them tightly against the headboard. I don't know if it had anything to do with him being a ghost, but he was stonger than he looked. Much stronger.

In seconds my shirt was ripped off of my body and my shorts were pulled off along with my boxers and tossed to a random side of tye room. I yelped, unable to do anything. He was a ghost, I couldn't touch him, and the more I reminded myself of that fact....the harder I got.

~This can not be healthy for me...I, and it pains me to say it, I need to go outside more~

"Looks like someone's excited" My attention was brought back to Deku as he closely obsered my hard dick

"Wait, no, Deku! Hold on- ah~" my moan cuts me off as he takes me into his mouth. At first I began to question his flexibility, but stopped remembering who, or rather, what, I was dealing with. For some reason, I tend to need to remind myself over and over and over and over again that this man was not alive, he was a fucking ghost. How does one forget something like that?! Am I okay?! "Fuck! Ah! Deku~!" His tongue moves in circles around the tip of my length. He flicks his tongue against it and it sends an electrifying pleasure through my to the very tips of my fingers. I try to tug my hands free, but they don't move an inch. "Deku!" he sucks harder and I buck my hips up into his mouth, surprisingly hitting the back of his throat. I say surprising, since well, I'm not usually able to touch him or really interact with him, only he can touch me. He doesn't even gag from the action and instead just groans and the vibrations it sends my cock sends waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

He continues to bob his head up and down taking me like a fucking pro. In no time I felt my release approaching. he sucks harder again making me buck up into his mouth once more, repeating his actions He intentionally groans around my cock sending me over the edge and I cum in his mouth. Deku takes his mouth away from me with a distinct pop.

He leans forward, kisses my nose, and then tucks me in to sleep. Before I knew it I was falling asleep.

~Thank fuck I have work tomorrow~


When I woke up the bext morning I rushed out of the house as quickly as I possibly could. I saw Deku watching me in confusion as it was still early ahd I didn't need to be rushing but I was. When I was finally about to leave after gathering everything I'd need I felt Deku grab me.

"Look, Deku I'll-" he cut me off, pressing his lips against mine before fading into the darkness. I stood there confused for a moment before leaving the house, double, triple and quadruple checking to make sure I had locked my door. I the drove off to work and parked in the parking lot.

As I said before it was early. Very early. Work started at 8am, it was currently 5:34am. I was very early. I needed to get out of the house, away from Deku. Wven just for four hours. Well, more like 6 or seven considering how early I left.

After, sitting here until, about 6:12, I got bored so I decided to get in the back seat, set my alarm and take a fucking nap.


I awoke with a start as I heard something knocking on my window. Upon gaining clarity, I realized it was my car window and quickly checked my phone, it was 7:55. I pull stray hairs out of my mouth and jump at the sound of knocking again.

I look around until my gaze lands on Halfie, or Shoto Todoroki or whatever. The idiot was another chef at the restaurant, and while quiet, he also seemed to want to interact with me. I stared at him for a bit before crawling into the driver's seat, opening the glove box a taking out a box of wipes, wiping my face, then getting some deodorant and perfume and freshened up. After that, I popped a mint into my mouth, grabbed my bag, and got out of my car.

" long have you been out here?" He asked, walking with me to the now open restaurant. Well, it was open for us but not for the customers.

"Five," I answered briefly, watching surprise flash over his monotonous expression or lack thereof.

"Can I ask why?" He asked, his voice so deep yet soothing I genuinely almost fell back asleep walking.

"," I answered after a while, watching him nod.

After work, I slowly made my way out of the building when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Half n' Half looking, sheepish? That's new. His cheeks were even tinted pink "Uhm, I know we rarely interact and we barely know each other but, I'd like to take you out, get to know you and, maybe see where it goes"

I was about to say 'no' but stopped myself. First, at this rate, I'll die alone. Second, he's right. We barely knew each other. Maybe if I got to know him, a relationship could blossom? Who knows. I won't if I say no. "Uhm, sure, how about Saturday?" I said, watching him light up with a small smile

"Yes, Saturday should be fine," He answers

"Here's my number. Text me the details," I said, handing him my phone. He hurriedly typed out my number from my phone to his, then handed me my phone back.

I then left the restaurant, and instead of driving back home, I drove to Dad's.

Guys, I need ideas. What do you want to see in this book?


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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