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~Izuku's POV~

"No," he said finally. I pouted looking down at his covered member. God I wanted to fuck the living daylights out of this man. I got up and pushed him to lie down on the couch "Hey! Oof! Why!?"

I pulled his shirt off, tossing it in a random direction. I caressed his chest, taking note of the fact that, despite his protests, he arched his back, lifting his chest to meet my hands making me smile.

His perky nipples; those pretty pink buds, god I loved them. I take both of his nipples rolling and pinching them between my fingers, watching the steady speeding up of the rise and fall of his chest.

"Ahn~" my eyes snapped up to his flushed face, his hands helplessly laid on the couch beside his head, looking up at me equally helpless, through his long dark blonde lashes, crimson eyes hooded with lust "Deku, s-stop. P-please"

I hadn't felt it in decades, but...his pleas, his begging, his expression, his flushed cheeks, his sounds, his crimson eyes clouded with lust, all illuminated by daylight. I felt myself get hard. I didn't think it was possible after my death. I mean, I'm literally a ghost, to say I wasn't expecting it was an understatement.

I released his chest, sitting up and looking down, I thought it may have just been a phantom of the real thing, but, the tent in my pants said otherwise "A-...are you HARD?!" I glanced up to see Kacchan blushing even harder, his ears tipped pink, his lips glistening from his saliva, he just licked his lips.

"Apparently," I said shrugging. Surprisingly very fast, Kacchan was up and off the couch. "Where are you off to, it's Saturday?"

"Away from you" he squealed jogging up the stairs. I rolled my eyes smirking and slinked into the shadows, appearing in his room, shocking the clothes right out of his hands. He quickly picked them up and ran, right through me into the bathroom, locking the door.


I walked right through the door making him sigh, but continued to get dressed regardless. Once he finished he left, walking instead of using the car, I watched him cross the street, seemingly going to the park.


I watched him from the shadows of a tree. He was just wandering around the park, going nowhere in particular. Eventually, he sat down on a bench, facing away but close to the tree in the middle of the park.

I watched him from afar, taking in his relaxed form, he looked, so cute, the sun rays peeking through the leaves and caressing his face, making his skin glow and his eyes sparkle. I could sit here and watch him forever.

Soon he got up, confusing me, he hadn't been here very long. Was he going home already? No. He seemed to be going to the bathroom. I huffed watching him leave, before smirking as I realized, not only was the bathroom within my realm of movement, but we'd also be alone, to an extent.

I sunk back into the shadows, reappearing in the bathroom. I was invisible, so he didn't see me as he entered the building. Once he decided which stall and locked the door, I made myself known. I wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his ear, feeling him tense "Hi Kacchan" At the sound of my voice he relaxed a little

"Deku?!" He whisper yelled "How and why are you here"

"I told you I could wander, so that answers the 'how'" I said reaching down and cupping his member, massaging it gently "As for the 'why', I wanted to see you"

"This is sexual harassment!" he whisper yelled

"Mmh, I call it physical affection," I said nibbling his pink-tipped ear

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