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Spencer gasped as she woke up surrounded by grass, she sat up fast and looked around to see four walls surrounding her. A small gap was in between one of the walls, the one she was closest to. The prison.

"No, no, no, no." She muttered as she scrambled up and spun around to see everything the same as when she left it.

"No. No!" She shouted running towards the gap and entering the maze.

Spencer ran around the walls turning corner after corner, she was too scared to hear the sounds of teeth grinding and metal scraping on the floor. As she was running around she was trying to find the path that led to section 5 but she just couldn't remember it.

It was almost as if she hadn't memorised it yet but she knew she had all paths practically engraved into her mind.

She turned another corner and came face to face with a mutant scorpion. Immediately the mutant saw her and let out an ear piercing screech making her clamp her hands over her ears.

Spencer quickly turned around and started sprinting the other way with the mutant following close behind. She turned down different corners going left and right trying to find a way to get it off her trail but it was always right behind her.

Suddenly the path looked familiar and she followed it thinking it would lead her to section 2 where she could lose it in the tight corner. She turned left and where another path should be instead was a wall.

She ran up to it banging her fists onto it, "This wall doesn't belong here! Open up!" She felt around on the wall hearing the mutant getting closer, "Move!"

This must be some cruel way of torturing her by walking slowly knowing it had cornered her.

Spencer ran closer to the mutant where some vines were and tried jumping up to grab them but her fingertips skinned the bottom of them.

Before she could try anything else the mutant came round the corner and Spencer backed away as it moved in closer to her. She looked down to her waist for her machete but realised she had forgotten it but she also didn't remember seeing it in the prison.

As she looked up she felt a shooting pain in her side, she staggered to the side putting her hand out on the wall to hold herself up. The mutant removed its tail needle from her side allowing her to fall to the floor against the wall as it ran off. It had stung her.

Spencer felt pain shooting through her body making her want to scream out in pain but instead she bit her lip letting out a muffled cry. Slowly she pulled herself up wincing with every movement.

She knew she had to get back to the prison and she knew she had to sprint but with the pain she was in, it was going to be near impossible. She walked around the side holding one palm to the wall and one to her side.

Each step was a crucifying pain and a muffled cry left her lips every time with her vision getting darker and dizziness taking over her. After a few more turns which felt like eternity to her she saw the grass and opening to the prison.

Spencer stumbled in falling to the ground as her vision got darker, she tried to move further before feeling darkness take over her. Although she had passed out she felt the crucifying pain erupting through her body and her lips opened to let out a spine curdling scream.

Thomas woke up hearing a low whimpering and opened his eyes seeing Spencer tussling about in her sleep. He hesitated before getting up and crouching near her, he noticed how she had distanced herself from everyone else.

"Spencer." He whispered, shaking her a little, "Spencer, wake up."

Suddenly she shot up with a gasp, her eyes darting everywhere whilst her breathing was fast and heavy.

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