Brooklyn ~53~

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I could only hope and pray my guys would find me soon. I couldn't do anything and I hated it. I couldn't even cry. I was like a doll ready to be played with.

Joshua had lifted me and carried me to a room, which I assumed was his. He laid me on the bed, walking away to do something. At the angle I lay at, I could see everything on his wall. It looked like a map, with pictures and printouts all connected with a red thread. It looked like something out of a movie.

What caught my eye were the pictures of Atticus, Callan, and Zachary, with a red X over their faces. And in the middle of this scheme, was me. I wanted to scream.

I couldn't help but wonder if I would've been in this same moment if I had turned down the offer to be with the guys.

I had to force myself to think positively. I could've probably already been dead if it weren't for them.

Joshua came back and sat on the bed beside me, placing his hand on my hip.

"Long time no see. How have you been?" He asked, smiling. I couldn't do anything but stare at him. I tried to glare but I don't think the message was going through. So I stared. He looked so familiar... the man I had once been in love with. The man who ruined me.

His eyes never changed. They have always been the same blue color. His eyes were one of the reasons I stayed with him for so long. They always looked so... caring.

But that was the last thing he was.

"It's rude not to answer someone when they're talking to you." He hissed roughly, grabbing my face. He glared down at me before smiling softly, softening his features. "Sorry, pet, I got out of hand there. It's just been so long since I've felt your skin. It looks so much more vibrant and youthful."

I wanted to vomit at how he was talking to me. I wanted to slit my throat from how he was touching me.

Then I wanted to gauge out his eyes and pop them. I felt his hand slip from my face down to my chest, groping my breasts. I desperately tried to move my body but it would not cooperate. What the hell did they give me?

"I've missed you so much, pet." He mumbles, moving his hand down to the hem of my gown, hiking it up to my stomach. "Awh, you still have our memories."

He moved his fingers over my scars before grinning at me. He stands and pulls a knife out of his pocket. I felt terror clawing at my ribs, climbing up to my throat. He presses the tip of the knife to my thigh before trailing up and cutting my gown, ripping it off my body.

I was now lying naked in front of me, the only thing that hid me was my underwear. He grinned down at my body, sucking in a breath.

"A sight I could never forget. If only you weren't mute and limp. I loved watching you try to fight me off." He said smugly, leaning down and running his tongue over my stomach. I forced my brain to try and move my limbs but it still wouldn't work. Whatever they gave me was working too well.

I want to go home...

I felt him move my underwear, my whole body lighting ablaze. But this time it wasn't a good fire that raged in me. Not the kind that my men make me feel. This one felt like it would consume me and every person in this building.

I thanked everything in heaven when someone called his name from outside the room, making him curse and walk over to the door, opening it to see who it was. I wiggled my toes, feeling relief wash over me when I could move them. I was regaining my strength.

"I have to go attend some business. You be a good girl and stay here. Well.. not like you have a choice." He laughed at his 'joke' before walking out of the room. I relaxed every muscle in my body, feeling relief that he wasn't in here anymore. I continued to wiggle my toes, then I rolled my ankles. My fingers were next to move.

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