Chapter 8: Tour

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Alastor went to bed and found Rosie awake. He approached her to inform her that he hadn't received any updates about the church. Rosie mentioned that she and the rest of the team hadn't received any information either. She suggested contacting the Vox team if they heard anything from the church. Alastor didn't like the idea but agreed that it was better than the alternative of surprising the church with a visit. They understood they required permission to visit, so they planned to call Vox a few days before coming here. The vees were conducting the examinations, and they were most likely on a mission following the examinations. Just as they had to do a month ago. They both went to bed after agreeing on this, and they planned to notify the rest of the team later.

(Vox thought the church had sent them to a distant part of the kingdom as well).

Meanwhile, Lucifer was reading about the cure in a book while drinking tea. He read the same thing over and over until he felt sleepy and went to bed. When Alastor woke up, he saw Lucifer in the room holding a duck plush like a child. Amused by the sight, Alastor walked over to Lucifer's desk to look for something to help find the cure for the curse pill in his system. However, he found nothing and noticed that the book Lucifer had been reading was old, with a red tassel marking the page he left off on. Alastor opened the book, only to find that it was empty. Confused, he closed the book and placed it back on the desk. He then went to the bathroom for a bath and to change. After changing, he concealed his knives under his coat, adjusted his monocle, and headed downstairs. As he descended, he noticed Charlie kissing Vaggie before greeting him and waving at him. Vaggie glared at him while clutching her spear, but he brushed it off since he didn't care.

Charlie: "Morning Alastor": she said cheerfully.

Vaggie: "Morning": she muttered

Alastor: "Good morning Charlie dear and to you as well, Vaggie"

Angel Dust woke up to find Husk heading to the lobby, and Rosie already there enjoying a cup of tea. She invited them for breakfast, and everyone agreed. Alastor offered to help with the cooking, so they all headed to the kitchen. They gathered ingredients and prepared eggs, toast, and coffee, while the vampires enjoyed some blood. As they sat down to eat, Rosie asked Alastor how he felt about sleeping in the same room as the king of vampires. Just as Alastor was about to answer, he noticed Angel Dust watching them cook with a smirk on his face from the counter.

Angel Dust: "Yes do tell~"

Alastor dismissed Angel's remarks and responded: "it was fine"

Rosie: "Good, Oh Charlie, do you and Vaggie want some toast or eggs"

Charlie: "Toast would be nice, you vaggie"

Vaggie said toast as well, Rosie smiled at the response. After serving everyone, Alastor couldn't help but wonder if the short king was going to stay asleep all morning. Charlie, seeing her father was not there, asked Alastor if he could check up on her father. Alastor agreed to this and headed to the room. Lucifer was sleeping, only for the dream to repeat over and over until he woke up with tears flowing through his eyes that stung. His wings spread out all over the place, feathers everywhere.

Lucifer: "Ugh"

As he slowly got up from the bed feeling tired, he grabbed one of his creations and instructed it to clean up the feathers. The creation nodded and quickly got to work. He then headed to the bathroom to get changed, only to find that the black marks on his arm were increasing. He needed to calm himself, so he took a deep breath, causing the marks to recede to only his elbow instead of all over his arms. Feeling relieved, he changed and made sure to wear his gloves. As he walked out of the bathroom, he turned to see Alastor staring at him while leaning on the door.

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