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Yall remember a while ago when i said i had a feeling something big is going to happen? Yeah well is still have that feeling and it's not going away. But i don't really feel like it's a "bad" thing. Like the feeling itself feels neutral but i've started to have a more positive outlook on it. Like- what if im gonna become a magical girl soon? Or maybe something else??? idk but i'm excited to see what it is!

Okay mini rant time lol.

So. Yall know how im trans? I think ive said this but just in case, guys im trans. now that you guys now that man. I am so glad i have a friend who has zero concept of social anxiety and just told EVERYONE. I think i called him Ben or something in this book idk but man. Ben is definitely a person. Like i'm glad he told my friends and school. And... basically everyone at school... yeah i don't think i'm mentally prepared to tell him i've changed my name lol. 

but seriously tho. Ben is a good person. i would have never told anyone out of drama about any of it but thinks to him i kind of had to. I didn't even tell him about me being trans! His goddamn brother did cause i do drama with his brother and for some reason they were talking about me and his bro used he/him with me and the next day Ben asked me about it. Like our other friend (i'll name her R) was with us so she also found out and man. I'm glad it happened but i wish it went slightly differently. especially for one of my friends. I'll name his J. And for whatever reason everyone thinks me and J are dating??? but i had Ben tell him for me cause i could not no matter how hard i tried an yeah... It went well. Me and J are still friends and im gonna hang out with him in a few days :)

anyways life is fine now. Although i think that kinda messed me up lol. Like i know im talking about this in a joking way but whenever someone asks me my gender i kinda just freeze up idk why. Anyone else do that? 

and that is it for my rant. I should probably go to bed but i also really want to work on this chapter i'm working on rn. Basically im just re-explaining my teammates than ill move onto villians and stuff. See you guys later!!

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