"Beyond the light "

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Chapter 7: "Beyond the Light"

YN's vision cleared, and she found herself in a realm beyond the light. She saw Jimin, his spirit trapped in a web of memories.

"Jimin!" she cried, her voice echoing through the realm.

Jimin's spirit turned to her, his eyes filled with a deep longing. "YN...I'm stuck here...forever..."

YN's determination burned brighter. "No, Jimin! I won't let that happen!"

She reached out, her hand passing through the web of memories. Jimin's spirit began to glow, and YN felt a surge of energy course through her body.

YN's determination burned brighter. "No, Jimin! I won't let that happen!"

She reached out, her hand passing through the web of memories. Jimin's spirit began to glow, and YN felt a surge of energy course through her body.

As she touched his spirit, visions flooded her mind. Memories of their time together, laughter, tears, and moments of joy. The memories were bittersweet, a reminder of what they had and what they might lose.

YN's heart raced with a mix of emotions. "Jimin, I remember everything! Our promise, our dreams...our love!"

Jimin's spirit smiled, his eyes shining with hope. "YN...you're the key to my freedom..."

With a surge of strength, YN pulled Jimin's spirit closer. The web of memories began to unravel, and Jimin's spirit began to take form...

But just as they thought they had overcome the obstacle, a dark figure emerged from the shadows, its presence menacing.

What happens next? Should YN and Jimin face this new threat together, or will they be torn apart once more? Let me know!

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