Epilogue 2

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As they stood there, hand in hand, they felt a strange sensation wash over them. The camera in YN's hand began to glow brighter, and they felt themselves being pulled towards each other.

Without thinking, they leaned in and their lips met in a soft, gentle kiss. It was as if time had stood still, and all that mattered was the two of them in that moment.

As they pulled back, they looked into each other's eyes and saw the same love and adoration reflected back. They knew in that moment that their love was the real deal, and nothing could ever come between them.

"I love you, Jimin," YN whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I love you too, YN," Jimin replied, his voice filled with emotion.

From that moment on, they were inseparable. They faced every challenge that came their way, hand in hand, and their love only grew stronger.

Years went by, and their legend grew. They became known as the greatest supernatural investigators of all time, and their love was the stuff of legend.

But they never forgot where they came from, and they always remembered the camera that had brought them together.

One day, they returned to the old studio where it all began. They stood in front of the camera, now a relic of their past, and smiled.

"Do you remember when we first met?" YN asked, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia.

"How could I forget?" Jimin replied, his eyes filled with love. "It was the moment that changed my life forever."

YN's eyes filled with tears as she looked at the camera. "It's amazing how one object can bring two people together in such a profound way," she said.

Jimin nodded in agreement. "It's not just any object, YN. It's a symbol of our love, and the adventures we've shared together."

YN smiled, her heart full of joy. "And the adventures we'll continue to have, as long as we're together."

The camera, now a symbol of their love, stood silently in the background, a reminder of the power of true love to overcome even the most impossible odds.

As they stood there, surrounded by the memories of their past, they knew that their love would last a lifetime. They decided to start a new chapter in their lives, one that would bring them even closer together.

"Let's get married," Jimin said, his eyes shining with excitement.

YN's heart skipped a beat. "Really?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

Jimin nodded, his smile growing wider. "Really," he said, pulling out a small box from his pocket.

Inside the box was a beautiful ring, one that sparkled with diamonds and love. YN gasped, her eyes filling with tears.

"Yes, yes, a million times yes!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Jimin's neck.

As they hugged, the camera in the corner of the room began to glow, capturing the moment forever. They knew that their love was the real deal, and that nothing could ever come between them.

Their wedding was a beautiful affair, surrounded by friends, family, and the supernatural creatures they had helped over the years. Jungkook was the best man, and he smiled proudly as he watched his friends exchange their vows.

As they danced at the reception, YN and Jimin knew that their love would last a lifetime. They had faced the impossible and come out on top, their bond stronger than ever.

And as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew that their love would continue to grow, a flame that would burn bright for all eternity.

As they danced at the reception, YN and Jimin couldn't help but think about their journey. From the moment they met in that old studio to the countless adventures they shared, their love had only grown stronger.

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