Chapter 7: Night in the Underground

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The days following their visit to Snowdin were filled with a flurry of activity and excitement. Kel had become a familiar face in the Underground, quickly making friends with the various monsters who called it home. However, there was one experience Kel had yet to enjoy—a sleepover in the Underground with Sans.

One crisp evening, as the sun set over Faraway Town, Kel packed a small bag with essentials for their overnight adventure. He felt a mix of anticipation and excitement, knowing that this night would be special.

Sans appeared in his usual manner, a soft blue glow preceding his arrival. "ready for our big night?" he asked, his grin as wide as ever.

Kel nodded, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Absolutely. I've been looking forward to this all week."

With a familiar flash of blue light, Sans transported them back to the Underground. They arrived in Snowdin, the village's cozy charm even more inviting under the starlit sky.

"where do you want to go first?" Sans asked, slipping his hand into Kel's.

Kel thought for a moment before responding. "How about we visit Papyrus first? I want to say hi before we settle in for the night."

Sans nodded, leading Kel to their shared home. Papyrus greeted them with his usual enthusiasm, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Kel. "KEL! YOU'RE BACK! THIS IS WONDERFUL! ARE YOU STAYING THE NIGHT?"

Kel smiled warmly. "Yeah, Sans and I are having a sleepover. I couldn't miss out on the chance to see more of the Underground."

Papyrus beamed, his excitement palpable. "THAT SOUNDS AMAZING! I SHALL PREPARE SOME HOT COCOA FOR YOU BOTH!"

As Papyrus busied himself in the kitchen, Kel and Sans settled on the couch, enjoying the cozy atmosphere of the house. The warmth of the fire crackled in the hearth, casting a soft glow over the room.

Papyrus soon returned with steaming mugs of hot cocoa, handing one to each of them. "ENJOY! AND IF YOU NEED ANYTHING, JUST LET ME KNOW!"

"thanks, bro," Sans said, taking a sip. "this is perfect."

Kel took a sip as well, savoring the rich, chocolatey flavor. "This is great, Papyrus. Thank you."

After spending some time chatting with Papyrus and enjoying the hot cocoa, Kel and Sans decided to explore the Underground a bit more before turning in for the night. They walked hand in hand through Snowdin, the snow crunching softly beneath their feet.

"there's a place i want to show you," Sans said, his voice soft and filled with anticipation.

Kel nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Lead the way."

Sans led him through a series of winding paths until they reached a secluded clearing. In the center was a large, flat rock surrounded by glowing crystals that cast a gentle, multicolored light over the area.

"this is one of my favorite spots," Sans said, pulling Kel closer. "it's quiet and peaceful. perfect for a sleepover under the stars."

Kel's heart swelled with affection. "It's beautiful, Sans. Thank you for bringing me here."

They spread out a blanket on the flat rock, laying down together and gazing up at the stars visible through the cavern's ceiling. The soft glow of the crystals added a magical ambiance to the scene.

"you know, kel," Sans said, his voice a gentle murmur, "i never thought i'd find someone like you. you've brought so much light into my life."

Kel turned to face Sans, his eyes filled with love. "And you've done the same for me, Sans. Being with you has been the best thing that's ever happened to me."

They shared a tender kiss, the world around them fading into the background. As they lay there, their hands intertwined, Kel felt a profound sense of peace and belonging.

"tell me more about your dreams, kel," Sans said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kel smiled, his eyes reflecting the soft glow of the crystals. "I dream of us, Sans. Of a future where we explore new places, have countless adventures, and grow old together."

Sans's grin softened, his eyes filled with affection. "sounds like a dream come true. and i'll be there with you every step of the way."

They talked late into the night, sharing their hopes, dreams, and fears. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment, their hearts beating in perfect harmony.

Eventually, the fatigue of the day caught up with them, and they drifted off to sleep under the blanket of stars. The cavern was silent, save for the soft sound of their breathing and the gentle hum of the crystals.

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