Chapter 9

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At breakfast the next morning, John informed me I no longer needed to bother with the itinerary if I didn't want to. I looked at their plans for the day, my eyes lighting up when I saw they were going hiking.

"Sorry, Sophie, but with your wrist, I'd rather you waited until after the weekend. If you fall again, you're going to make it worse."

I sighed and nodded my agreement. "I understand. I'll have a lazy day by the pool, turning myself into a lobster."

He gave me a sly smile. "Well, don't cook yourself too much. We're going out this evening for tea."

I frowned, wondering what he meant. "What, a cook out again?"

He shook his head. "No, but you may want to think about how a cowgirl looks if you catch my drift."

A huge grin spread across my face at the mention of dressing like a cowgirl. I immediately thought of what I'd brought with me, and what I hadn't. I didn't have a checked shirt nor a hat. The jeans and the boots weren't a problem.

"Is anyone going into town later? I may need to get a few things."

He laughed at me. "I'm sure whatever you need we can dig out here, but Brady is running into town after he's finished up in the barn."

My wanton thoughts from last night reappeared, my insides churning at just hearing his name. I thanked John before taking a deep breath and heading towards the barn. I stepped inside the cool shade, grateful for a moments reprieve from the early morning sun beating down on me.

"Good mornin'."

I jumped, turning around as Brady appeared from the stall behind me. "Hi."

A few seconds silence fell between us before a nervous laugh grabbed us both.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

I started fiddling with my hair to disguise my discomfort. "John said you were heading into town later?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Is there something you need?"

I blushed, dropping my gaze to the floor. "He hinted at something about dressing like a cowgirl tonight?"

He chuckled, took his hat off, and plonked it on a hay bale. "I see. And you want to go shopping I'm guessing?"

New temperatures I didn't think possible soared through me. "I have the jeans and the boots. I don't think turning up in my bra would be very appreciated."

A broad smile took over his face. "As much as I would love to disagree with you, I think you're right there."

I smiled, and dropped my eye contact as I struggled with what to say next. I knew my face had gone bright red, I could feel the volcanic heat burning through my skin.

"I have some things at my place which should fit you. Save you the ridiculous costs of buying something from town."

I snapped my head up. "Wh...what?"

He chuckled. "The clothes shops in town are far too expensive for what you get. It seems daft me having suitable clothes at home that are never worn, and you spending two hundred dollars or more on a shirt for one night."

I thought over his point. He did have a fair one. "Um, sure? I don't want to put you out or anything though?"

"It's fine. I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to carry it through. They're lovely clothes, they need wearing anyway. It'd be nice to see them on someone again."

My heart lurched. Did they belong to an ex-girlfriend? After all, why else would he have women's clothes unless he liked dressing up in them?

Ignoring my wonderings, I remembered my manners. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"No problem."

I smiled before turning to leave, wondering why on earth he'd had a complete personality transplant in the past day or two. I turned back to him, unable to help myself. "I don't know what's changed, but I appreciate it. Thank you."

"Sometimes you just realise things a little too late."

I frowned, not understanding. I gave him a parting smile before heading back to my room for my swimming gear. As I stepped out into the heat again, I thought better of it, full well knowing the water would just make me burn faster.

"Miss Woods?"

It felt so strange hearing my name come from his lips. "Please, just call me Sophie."

He smiled, his eyes flickering to the ground for a brief second. "Did you want to come and pick the clothes out yourself?"

My mouth fell open, not sure if I was understanding this right. " mean come to yours?"

He scratched his head and laughed. "Well, yeah. I'm not going to transport the whole wardrobe here."

I giggled and blushed. "Sorry. I just...yes, that would be lovely. Thank you."

"We could take the horses if you like?"

"Into town?"

"I can do the town run later. I'll need the truck for that. My place isn't that far from here. It's only an hour on horseback."

A nervous tingle shot around my body at the thought of being on my own with him in the desert. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. "Are you happy doing that with an injured guest?"

He grinned. "If I knew you better, I think I'd say you hold grudges. I feel happy chaperoning an injured guest on a one to one basis if that makes you feel better."

Something in the way he said 'one to one' made my heart surge. Butterflies fluttered through every inch of me. This guy was irritating the hell out of me two days ago, and now I'm reacting to him like he's my first crush. The mix of ups and downs had me in a spin.

"Sure. Sounds good."

"I'm about done if you want to head out now?"

I grinned. "Fine with me, cowboy."

He smirked before heading into the depths of the barn. He returned a couple of minutes later laden down with Cody's tack. Walking to his stall, we said nothing. My curious side was winning through where it concerned Brady. I wanted to know what had changed his attitude to such an extent.

"You ok tacking him up?"

I nodded.

"Ok. Mount up outside when you're ready."

He winked and disappeared back down the wide aisle. I couldn't help grinning to myself as I saddled Cody up. He turned to me at one point, snuffling my jean pockets. I smiled, knowing he was after an apple.

"Shhh," I said, whispering to him. "Don't tell Brady."

His ears pricked forwards as if he understood my words. I crept to the apple crate and gave him a treat before I put his bridle on. I'd heard the other wranglers telling the guests apples and carrots weren't allowed before riding, only after.

Brady was already mounted and waiting by the time I'd finished fussing over Cody's boots. His mouth was foaming slightly from the apple juice. I looked up at Brady as we broke out into the baking heat.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "I'll let it go this once."

I smirked before swinging into the saddle. "We'll see."

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