Chapter 4

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The day itself was pleasant. The walking ride the wranglers took us out on was fascinating as they filled us in on details of the Sonoran desert we were trekking through. For a scarce landscape, it was mesmerizing and beautiful in its own right. Seeing greenery dotted around the yellow ground was odd. Hundreds of cacti flourished out here along with various other plants. It was amazing how nature could adapt to thrive in such a harsh environment.

We were in the saddle for a good two hours before we returned for lunch. After then, we had a stint in the tennis courts which was great fun. Getting along with some of the other guests was liberating. Being away from home was the peace I needed, the part where I could just be me again.

I headed back to my chalet for a shower before tea. We were having a cookout this evening. The plan was to ride out to a specific area they used for occasions like this. I was curious and excited.

I dressed myself, pulling my boots on as my phone rang.

"Hi, Mum."

"Hey, Soph. How you doing?"

"Yeah, ok. It's great out here. I don't want to come home."

She laughed before turning serious. "Ben's been asking where you've gone."

My jovial mood popped in an instant. Thinking of my ex fiancé at the moment was not something I wanted to do. "And?"

"Don't snap at me, Soph. Please. I'm kind of stuck in the middle here."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Sorry. I just...I've been here barely two days and he's already trying to ruin it. I don't want to even think about him, let alone hear his name."

"I know, sweetie. I'm sorry, but I just thought you should know. You were doing so good at patching things up...I just wish you could have carried on."

I put my head in my hands. Having this conversation right now was not something I wanted, or needed. "I need some time, Mum. That's all this is. I have to really think about my life from here on out. If he really wants to make this work then he'll respect that and wait for me."

"Yes, ok. I understand. You know what he's like though once he gets onto something. He's worse than a terrier on a trouser leg."

I managed half a smile at her words but I was done with this for now. "I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow or something."

She said her goodbyes before hanging up and leaving me in the same messy quandary I'd almost forgotten over the past two days. Thankfully, as I stepped out of my door, Dave and Sheena were walking past and invited me to walk down to the barn with them. It was just the welcome distraction I needed.


The cookout area was amazing. Nestled in between two hills and surrounded by dozens of plants, shrubs and trees, it was peaceful and serene. The sounds of insects and native wildlife echoed around us making the outdoor experience even more surreal. As night began to settle, John informed us we would be riding back in the dark with lanterns. The horses we had ridden this morning were the horses we would have for the length of our stay. I felt comforted by this. I liked Cody. He was relaxing, safe, sturdy, and picked his way across the loose ground with ease. His responsiveness and obedience were second to none.

I smiled, enthralled by the idea of the night time ride. How amazing would this be? As the group laughed and chatted amongst themselves, I wandered off a few hundred yards, leaning on the fence rail marking the perimeter of the area. I stared up into the encroaching darkness, watching the stars glisten against their soft background. A cool breeze drifted through, gliding across my hot skin. I closed my eyes and revelled in the moment.

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