Chapter 1

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It's crazy how you can fit your entire life in a few boxes.

Max closes the trunk of the van with an exasperated sigh, laying his head on top of it as his thoughts slow to a stop. He's been on the move since 1 AM, packing the things he meant to organize weeks ago. He didn't mean to put it off but he had been so busy finalizing paperwork and finding legal documents that it wasn't exactly a priority. If his father had had things prepared like he asked- no, no point in blaming him. He knew how hard this was on his dad, and part of him felt guilty, but part of him was beyond ready to welcome the independence of college.

"Do you have your inhaler? What about your-"

"Anxiety meds? I got 'em." Max gives his dad a smile to calm his nerves, the last thing he needs is another pep talk. "And I've got reminders set for my doctor's appointment so don't worry."

"I can't help but worry, you're leavin' me and goin' off into the world!" He's tearing up again, the fifth time that morning.

"Come on, Dad. I've already told you I'll call you every night. It'll be like I never left." Max says while sliding into the passenger seat of his dad's yellow AMC Pacer, a car he's glad wasn't passed down. It's not a bad car, just needs more maintenance then he can afford. He clicks on his seatbelt before his father can remind him, "I wish you'd trust me to take care of myself."

"I do trust you, I just...well, it's hard seeing my pup all grown up." His dad says while pulling out of their driveway and down the street. "I mean soon you'll graduate, get married, guy or girl you know I support any choice you make of course!"

"Gee, thanks Dad." Max runs his hands through his hair, a mess of black strands on his head. "You've got a long time before you have to worry about that stuff."

"You know, I thought that too but then I met your mother and well..." His father's voice drops to a whisper, "Sometimes life happens before you can adjust to it."

The rest of the car ride is quiet besides the heavy metal blasting from Max's earbuds, each enraged scream echoing. Max stares out the window, watching as their neighborhood disappears into skyscrapers and modern stores with geometric windows and murals painted on every inch of concrete.

"I'm proud of you, y'know." His father shoots him a smile,"Going to college with those smart people scholarships- you're gonna do great!"

"Yeah, I guess so." Max had tried not to think about it honestly, the last thing he needed was to have a panic attack. He was given a full-ride because of his grades, he couldn't let his mind ruin this for him, not again.

"Well I know so." His dad ruffles his hair before his hand returns to the wheel. "You're the smartest son I've ever had."

"I'm your only son." Max laughs, something he knows he won't be able to do in college- if anyone hears his laugh he'll instantly be labeled a weirdo.

"Then you're the smartest son in this gosh dang world!"

"Yeah yeah, thanks Dad." Max says with a small smile.

The roads widen to form highways, which leads the car through loops and over lakes until eventually they're back on steady soil. A dirt road turns to stone and then they're in front of a giant statue in the center of campus. Lush grass submits to the soles of Max's shoes as he steps out of the car, the bright sun stinging his eyes while kissing his cheeks. Around him, dozens of students buzz about like the bees bouncing from flower to flower, scrambling to figure out where they're supposed to be and when. Max takes this as a sign to get to the Freshman assembly, giving his dad a tight hug as a goodbye.

"I love you!" His dad shouts as he walks away, which he would usually find embarrassing but it's oddly comforting now.

The auditorium is crowded with fresh faces, all excited to be in the next stage of life and relieved to be done with the previous one. Max's highschool years were mediocre at best, a mix of depression and determination that still lingered today. He had always wanted to succeed, but he lacked motivation at times. It didn't help that his self confidence hung on a weak thread that a single insult could snap. He didn't let it break though, he couldn't, his dad had sacrificed too much. Max held it together, and that's how he got here in the first place. All he had to do now was hold it together for another four years.

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