Chapter 4

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"Welcome all to Toonville University's annual Family Day." The loudspeakers cheer, greeting the ears of every parent waiting to walk onto campus.

Brad watches from his window, anxiously tapping his foot while scanning the crowds for that one stoic face. He's dressed his best, button-up and khakis with those fancy shoes his father had brought him at the start of the year. He got a fresh haircut the other day, the sides trimmed to perfection and hair fluffed to fit his face. He knew his appearance wouldn't be enough to dodge his father's rage, but maybe it could quell it a little, just a little. Brad jumps when the door to his dorm opens, eyes wide only to narrow when Max walks in. He's been dodging conversation with him, ignoring him for the most part. He doesn't need him to check on him, he doesn't want him to yet he insists. Max always brought him those stupid sweet snacks and chips that were full of artificial flavors knowing how strict he had to be with his diet, it was like he was trying to set him up. Not to mention how touchy Max was at times, tapping his shoulder for his attention or giving it a squeeze when he noticed Brad's uneasiness. He didn't need to be comforted, especially not by some commoner like him.

"I'm going down to the breakfast, you should come-"


"Look, hate me all you want, but it's not healthy to storm around like this." Max approaches him with hands raised in surrender, "I thought sulking was a bad thing to sit around and do."

"I am not sulking-"

"Sure you aren't, you're just sadly staring out a window like a lost puppy." The combination of Max's raised brow and smile is lethal, causing an immediate allergic reaction from Brad. "Are you alright? You're all red."

"Get out."

Brad does end up going down to breakfast, not because he's hungry and definitely not because Max told him to. Why would he ever listen to Max? Don't be ridiculous! He sits with the Gammas in the center of the courtyard, still looking around for his father. He'd be pleased to see him with the Gammas, hopefully enough to pull him aside to lecture him in private. Brad's eyes stop when he sees Max and his father, a scrawny man with darker skin and thick hair. They have the same nose but Max's is full of piercings like the rest of his face, shiny silver trinkets Brad always stole glances at. Max's hair is messier today than usual, he didn't even bother to comb his curls. God, why is he so careless about his appearance? Does he think that just because he's cute without trying he can walk around how he wants? Brad doesn't even realize he's glaring as he walks by them to refill his glass of lemonade at the stand outside.

"Y'know, if you want something from my son you could just go get some food together."

"What?" Brad's eyes are wide like Max's as he looks back at his father, their exclamations in unison.

"Well, boy, you've been staring at him since you came down here." Max's father turns Max around to face Brad, "I'm sorry if I've kept him occupied. You two can talk now, I'll go-"

"Sir, there's no need for that." Brad stammers, rushing to explain himself. "I um, I was just...admiring his piercings! There's so many, besides, I can talk to him some um, some other time. We're roommates after all!"

Shit, what did he just say? Why's he rambling, and why is Max's father looking between the two of them like that. It's not like that, really, Brad isn't even trying to compliment him! He'd never do that, because he hates Max. Max is annoying, and nosy, and weird, and...and he's different! Being different isn't okay, he should be trying to fit in, but he doesn't. That's what Brad hates about him the most, his ability to disregard what people say about him with a smile. Damn that smile, why is it even on his face right now? Brad pulls at his collar as Max also tries to tell his dad it's not what it looks like, which by the way, it looks like nothing because it is nothing! They're not friends, not one bit, not now, not ever!

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