Chapter 20

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Can we talk? Please?

Brad pushes the note back without writing a response, eyes focused only on his paper as if Max isn't staring right at him. Usually they sit close together but today Brad came to class late and sat as far from Max as he could, having to move his chair to the corner of the desk and ignoring Max when he called his name.

Brad, you've been ignoring me all week and you haven't been to the dorm since the livestream. I'm not mad at you, I just want to talk.

Max watches as Brad's pen clicks furiously while he writes, heart racing when Brad slides the paper back down the table.

I don't want to talk to you, Goof.

Max sighs a little too loudly, warranting a glance from their professor. He should be focused on the test they're taking but all he can think about are the bandages peeking out from Brad's sleeves as he scribbles answers down. Dark bags are under his eyes and Max finds himself wanting to reach out and squeeze the hand shaking around the pencil but knows Brad would push him away. He leans back in his seat, a migraine making it impossible to focus on his test and he ends up just scribbling whatever answers come to mind. 

His grade is high enough where he can risk failing this test

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His grade is high enough where he can risk failing this test. Instead of turning his paper in when he's finished he decides to doodle on the back, hoping it'll buy him enough time to leave at the same time as Brad. They're going to talk, he's not just going to drop this, especially when Brad's brows are bunched together and he's frowning. He hastily packs his bag as Brad stands to leave, following behind him as quietly and quickly as he can once his test is turned in, reaching out for his hand just enough for the tip of their fingers to brush together but Brad pulls away. Max finally grabs his hand once they're in the hall and out of sight.

"We need to talk, Pretty boy-"

"Don't call me that." Brad hisses through gritted teeth, spinning around. "I don't want to be around you, alright?"

"Then at least tell me what I did!" Max says while pulling him to a secluded corner, the two of them now beneath a stack of stairs that lead to the second floor. "You've been avoiding me as if I'm the one who did something wrong!"

"Don't play fucking dumb, I saw you!" Brad pushes his hands away, "Don't you dare touch me when you've touched her too!"

"Brad, what are you talking about?" Max groans when he turns away, "Quit pouting and tell me! How am i supposed to fix anything when you won't tell me what's wrong, huh? You're making this so difficult, you always do!"

"Yeah? Maybe you should quit talking to me then!" He's making it difficult? Max fucking cheated on him! "Go talk to her, be with her for all I care!"

"You know damn well she's not who I want, I know you do-"

"So why were you making out with her in our room? Did you pity her that badly, Max, seriously?" He spins around but not before quickly swiping away his tears. "I saw you, Max. The two of you...leaned down and...fuck!"

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