S01E03: The Ticket Master

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Fade into Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Y/N in the Sweet Apple Acres orchards. Each has full baskets of apples on their backs; Spike rides atop Twilight's as she and Y/N catch up to Applejack and begin walking together.

Spike inspecting/tossing away apples.

SPIKE: No...nope...

APPLEJACK: Thank you kindly, you guys, for helpin' me out.  I bet Big Macintosh I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime.  If I win, he's gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one o' Granny's girdles!

Applejack laughs.

TWILIGHT SPARKLE: No problem at all, Applejack. I'm glad the goal is lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry.

SPIKE: I know, right?

Spike's next apple bounces off her head. Twilight annoyingly glares at Spike, causing the dragon to sheepish grin.

Y/N: And hilariously seeing Big Mac is a bonus. 

TWILIGHT SPARKLE (TO SPIKE): Puh-lease, Spike. You've been lounging on my back all morning while we worked.

SPIKE: Exactly! You three are taking so long, I missed snack time.

Close-up of Twilight's gut, which begins to rumble; zoom out as she gives him a nervous look and giggle.

TWILIGHT SPARKLE: I guess we better get some food.

Y/N's stomach began to growl as well.

Y/N: I second that motion.

Spike still checking apples

SPIKE: Nope...worm...

Spike finds a bright, red one.


Twilight licks her chops.

TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Oh, Spike! That looks delicious!

Spike abruptly yanks it away; a chomp, a spatter of juice in Twilight's face, and he has disposed of it in one bite.


Spike swallows.

SPIKE: What?

Y/N chuckles.

Y/N (TO APPLEJACK): I guess he wasn't kidding about being hungry. 

Apllejacks chuckles as well.

APPLEJACK: I guess not. 

Spike suddenly makes as if to vomit, but instead lets off a belch of green fire that materializes into a scroll. It floats down to the quartet.

TWILIGHT SPARKLE: It's a letter from Princess Celestia!

Spike takes it, clears his throat, and unrolls it.

SPIKE (READING): "Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala, to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot on the twenty-first day of..." ...yadda-yadda-yadda... "Cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest."

Twilight and Applejack gasp. 


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