S01E05: Griffon the Brush Off

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Fade into a stretch of parkland on the outskirts of Ponyville during the day. Pan away from a small stream.

PINKIE PIE (OFFSCREEN; EXCITEDLY): Hoof-biting action overload! She was like a stunt superstar-

Stop on a fountain, next to which Pinkie is jumping up and down, and a bench, on which Twilight Sparkle has settled down on her belly to read a book.

PINKIE PIE: -flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down, swoosh!

Pinkie zips offscreen, then hops back.

PINKIE PIE: And right before she hit the ground, shoom!

Pinkie floats and then lands on her hooves.

PINKIE PIE: She pulled up! Vroom!

Twilight pays no attention.


PINKIE PIE: And then she looped around and around, like woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo!

Pinkie mimics the action with her head, eventually becoming so dizzy that she collapses to the ground.


Pinkie has wound up on her back, giving her a good view of Rainbow Dash soaring overhead; Pinkie bounds up and races after the blue flyer.


Twilight flips a page, using her teeth rather than magic, and keeps reading.

Cut to Rainbow in flight.


Rainbow Dash's eye pops as she notices Pinkie trotting along the park trail below, and she voices an annoyed little groan.

RAINBOW DASH: Pinkie Pie? Not again!

Rainbow Dash comes up with a burst of speed that prompts Pinkie Pie to follow suit.

PINKIE PIE: Rainbow Dash!

RAINBOW DASH: Not now, Pinkie Pie!

Rainbow Dash flies faster; Pinkie matches her.

PINKI PIE: But-but, Rainbow Dash!

RAINBOW DASH: I'm in the middle of something!


RAINBOW DASH: I said, not now!

Rainbow Dash's mid-air wind sprint ends very suddenly when she plows face-first into a sheer rock wall. Zoom out to expose it as part of a very tall cliff, from which she slides down after sticking to it for a moment. She winds up in a heap, in front of Pinkie.

PINKIE PIE: I was gonna tell you to look out for that mountain.

A groan of mixed pain and frustration from Rainbow.

Fade into an overhead view of the town square pavilion. Zoom in slowly as Pinkie crosses the open area, humming to herself, then cut to a close-up and tilt up into the sky. Here, Rainbow Dash is napping on a cloud; the humming wakes her up, so she stuffs a wad of cloud into each ear-but even this is not enough to block out the sound. Down below, Pinkie stops to address three ponies at a produce cart.

PINKIE PIE: Hi! I'm looking for Rainbow Dash. Have you seen her?

Rainbow Dash snaps bolt upright in a panic upon hearing this, the clouds falling away from her ears, and starts burrowing in to hide herself.

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