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Elliana was at a high-end boutique one for which she has modelled before, browsing through the racks of designer clothes, her mind still replaying the events of the previous night's game. Her heart swelled with pride every time she thought about Jude's spectacular goal. As she sifted through the clothes, her coworker Carla, approached her with a curious look.

"Hey, Ellie! I saw Jude's game last night. You must be so proud of him," Carla said, a hint of envy in her tone.

Elliana smiled as obviously fake as possible clearly tired of people who were fake to her. "I am. He was incredible wasn't he."

"But why aren't you with him? Shouldn't you be in Germany or wherever he is right now instead of here in England?" Carla asked, her eyebrows raised.

Elliana sighed, knowing the question was coming. "Jude and I have our own careers and commitments  but we make it work. not that it's any of your business Carla"

Carla nodded, though her eyes sparkled with something more than just curiosity. "Mind if we take a picture? You know, for the 'gram." She didn't wait for an answer, pulling out her phone and snapping a selfie with Elliana before she could protest.

Elliana didn't ever bother fighting Carla because she knew that wasn't worth her energy so she ignored the girl and left the shop. She went to a Cafe as promised to meet Aaliyah and sat there at the shop waiting to meet her friend.

As Elliana was checking her Instagram, she saw Carla's post with the caption: "Shopping with the gorgeous Elliana." Elliana rolled her eyes. Carla really wanted that clout didn't she Ellie thought to herself.

She scrolled through her feed, seeing countless posts and stories about Jude's performance. Her heart fluttered with pride at the sight of his smiling face, his name trending, and the fans' admiration. She continued going through the posts comments and couldn't help but smile at some of the comments praising her beauty and expressing envy at her relationship with Jude with captions to posts like "Wish I were Elliana she is the luckiest woman to exist" made her smile grow even wider.

A notification popped up from her best friend, Aaliyah who was three minutes away,  Elliana quickly liked a few more of Jude's photos and tucked her phone away before looking out for her friend expecting her to make her way in at any moment.

Elliana waved excitedly as she saw Aaliyah walking toward her, she had missed her friend since her return from Germany and never had the time to catch up with her.

"Hey, girl!" Aaliyah greeted, pulling her into a tight hug. "You look gorgeous!"

"Thanks, Ali. It's been quite a week," Elliana said, settling into her seat.

"I can imagine. So, tell me everything. How are things with Jude?" Aaliyah asked, leaning in with eager eyes.

Elliana sighed happily. "It's amazing, really. He was incredible in the game last night. We talked afterward, and he said some really cute line about dedicating his goal to me. I couldn't stop smiling"

Aaliyah squealed in delight. "That's so cute!"

" how are you dealing with the distance? It must be hard."

"It is," Elliana admitted. "But we talk every day, and he makes me feel like I'm there with him, even when I'm not. And I feel like when we finally do get to see each other, it would makes those moments so much more special."

Aaliyah nodded, her expression turning serious. "And how are you handling the attention? I saw Carla's post. You know she's just using you for clout, right?"

Elliana rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know. It's annoying, but I guess it comes with the territory. As long as Jude and I are solid, that's all that matters."

"were you afraid i replaced you with Carla?" Ellie joked and Aaliyah nudged her, "Nah won't happen, imagine if my best friend and Carla actually had things in common"

"Any updates on life you need to share with me Aaliyah?" Elliana shared a questionable look as she sipped her coffee, "nothing much, just sort of talking to a guy?...It's not much"

"Ooh tell me more"

They chatted for hours, catching up on each other's lives and sharing their hopes and dreams. Elliana was reminded of how much she loved home knowing she could always meet up with people she loved, unfortunately Jude didn't fit in the mix of this one, being able to see Ali and know she had the support of her best friend.

As she left the coffee shop, her phone buzzed with a new message from Jude.

Pretty girl is ignoring me already isn't she

Sorry J
I was with Aaliyah for a bit

Talking about me obviously

ofcc how could i not talk about the love of my life the reason i live, my heart and my soul

be careful you're obsession with me is showing

I wish you knew what sarcasm is babe

Ooh can't wait to hear you call me babe irl

Go away


Anyway, Ali met a guy who's super sweet apparently. I'm really happy for her Jude

Awh that's sweet
Let her talk about her man as well Ellie don't steal all her time by talking about me okay

Can you stop
I'm not that obsessed w you
Stop being annoying

Calm down

You annoy me

You love it

Maybe I do 🙄

With each passing day, Elliana knew the distance would become easier to bear. The love she shared with Jude was worth every mile and every moment apart.

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