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Elliana who was fast asleep was woken up by a knock on her door or several knocks on her door. Groaning she made her way to it and opened it facing Jude who seemed to be dressed in an England team fit, he let out a laugh when he saw the girl in shorts and a skinny, her hair a mess and her eyes barely open.

"You woke me up" she stated blankly. "Elliana it's 11.00 am you should've been up" Jude laughed making his way into her room. "I just had breakfast with the team, we've got to go for practice in a bit but good news is I've gotten a recovery day tomorrow"

Elliana wiped her eyes as she opened it letting the light in and smiling a soft yet sleepy smile to the boy who leaned in for a kiss, "morning breath" she pushed him away making her way to the bathroom to take a quick shower while Jude made himself comfortable in her bed.

After 10 minutes she returned and hopped into bed with the boy and kissed him passionately, "I'm so glad you're here" Jude broke the silence. "Me more than you J" Ellie smiled back, "you need to be gone anytime soon?" She questioned hopefully and received a painful answer as expected. Football and its practice was important to him and obviously she was here to support him in this it just sucked that he was so entirely busy all the time. He told her she could come watch practice if she'd like and Elliana was to see if she's up to it.

The day passed and Ellie spent most of her time in her room, closer to the evening she decided to make her way to where the team had practices. To which Jude had given her a pass for, she located the area far from the field and watched Jude as his focus was evident on his face with the way he played. There were a few other families of players and as Elliana sat there she noticed none other than Jude's mother. Fear ran through her veins, there was no way she was going to meet her for the first time without Jude even with her.

"Shit shit shit" she mumbled before trying to make her way out before the lady noticed her and made her way to Elliana, sitting beside her. Flashing a soft smile she reached her hand out and Ellie shook it, "Hi I'm Jude's mom, Denise"

Elliana realized that the elegant woman had no clue who she was, what did I expect of course he hadn't spoken about me, she thought to herself. Ellie smiled back and spoke "Elliana". This seemed to change Denise's expressions, "such a familiar name, who are you her for?" Elliana's heart beat so quick, "Jude?" She said with an awkward smile.

"Oh Ofcourse I've heard Jobe talk about Jude's new girl so much at home to annoy Jude, oh you're beautiful" She began and made Ellie feel calmer, Denise was an angel to her and she felt nice knowing that. Elliana however was anxiously fiddling with her fingers as she spoke to Denise who seemed to have really enjoyed finally meeting Jude's girl. Of course this wasn't the first girl that has been with Jude but she was enjoying the company of Elliana and wanted to get to know her to make sure this was someone who was truly there for her son and not just using him for his fame.

As Denise and Elliana chatted, their conversation ebbed and flowed effortlessly from one topic to another. Denise's eyes lit up as she shared stories from Jude's childhood, "he was a menace" elicit laughter from Elliana as she listened intently. "I've heard he's very competitive, probably had it from a young age" Ellie added and Denise continued, "you have no idea" They found common ground in their love for the boy, travel as well, exchanging tips on favorite destinations and hidden gems they both wanted to explore.

These are Ofcourse conversations Elliana had shared with Jude, the two youngsters  decided to make a bucket list of their own with every adventure they want to fulfill

Mid-conversation, Denise and Ellie noticed for how long they had been sharing their words as the field was almost empty. Jude who had been searching around for Elliana in hopes of knowing she came to watch him spotted her next to his mother and he chuckled knowing how nervous the girl must be and decided to make is way to save her.

Jude appeared beside them with a warm smile. "Hey Mom, so you've met my girlfriend, huh?" he said, glancing affectionately at Elliana.

Elliana felt a rush of warmth and happiness at Jude's words. It was the first time he had officially introduced her as his girlfriend, The sound of the word coming out of Jude's mouth made her feel special. Denise beamed at her son and then at Elliana, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. "Yes, I have! And I must say, Jude, you've picked a wonderful girl."

Ellie glanced at Jude, who was still looking at her with that familiar adoring gaze that always made her heart skip a beat.  "Oh so I'm going to get going then Jude, I'll see you soon right" Denise stood tapping on her son's back as Ellie stood and moved toward Jude.

"Yes, Mom," Jude said, wrapping an arm around Elliana's shoulders. "I'm glad you two hit it off."
Denise nodded approvingly. "Me too. Elliana, it's been lovely getting to know you."

"It's been wonderful meeting you too" Elliana replied sincerely, feeling a sense of relief and happiness settle over her. Although she enjoyed the time she was finally free of the stress of impressing her 'boyfriends' mother.

Jude squeezed Elliana's hand subtly, a silent gesture that spoke volumes. She knew he was always going to be by her side in that moment, surrounded by warmth and acceptance from Jude's mother.

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