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After Elliana managed to slow down without moving any further as she promised herself and Jude told her they ended up calmly enjoying the water as Ellie placed her head on his chest leaning her back on him in the bathtub. 

Jude glided his fingers on her arms as he admired her face from where he could, "remember the SKIMS shoot" Elliana reminisced, her voice soft with nostalgia.

He smiled, tracing circles on her arms with his fingertips, the tension that once stood between them clearly softened. Jude chuckled, recalling the shoot that had initially sparked their fiery feelings for each other. "Hard to forget," he replied, his tone teasing yet gentle. "We were both so convinced that was impossible to work with each other."

Ellie looked at him "still kind of impossible to work with you huh" Jude added and Ellie splashed water into his face. "That shoot basically made the two of us realize how much chemistry we had, I'm glad we did it J" Elliana spoke, her fingers idly playing with the water. "here we are, together."

Jude leaned his head back against the edge of the tub, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as he considered her words. "Funny how things change," he mused. "I guess sometimes attraction can be masked as annoyance."

She laughed softly, a sound that carried warmth and fondness. "Were you really that annoyed with me?"

"My gosh Els I didn't know what you were doing to me, it felt like annoyance for sure but I was so attracted to you on top of it" He said as he placed a soft kiss on the side of her head. "Am I not annoying anymore?" Elliana asked curious to how his impression changed. "Oh baby you so are, but I love dealing with it"

Their eyes met, a silent love for one another passing between them. They had navigated through misunderstandings and miscommunications, discovered layers below eachothers hearts. What began with annoyance and attraction was now more than that.

"I'm glad we figured it out," Jude said quietly, his hand finding hers in the water.

"Me too," Elliana whispered, her heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. "We better get ourselves out of here before I fall asleep" Elliana said stepping out of the tub and Jude once again absolutely astonished by the girls beauty as she made her way out and pulled herself a towel. Ellie left into her room pulling out a pair of loungewear and changing into it as Jude made his way out as well.

The air was thick with the lingering scent of vanilla from the candles she had lit earlier. As they settled onto her bed, Elliana couldn't resist a playful jab. "So, Mr. Bellingham, did you enjoy your spa day at Elliana's Relaxation Center?"

Jude chuckled, stretching out beside her. "Best start to a recovery day ever," he admitted with a grin. "Though I think I'll stick to ice baths next time."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Ungrateful."

They lay there for a moment, simply enjoying each other's company, Ellie layed on Jude's bare chest the comfortable bed and its plushie quilts covering her from the cold. Elliana traced patterns on Jude's chest with her fingertips, her touch light.

"You know," Jude began, his voice soft, "I could tell my mom really liked you." Elliana's heart skipped a beat. "I'm glad," she replied. "Your mom is lovely."

"Yeah," Jude agreed, a fond smile spreading across his face. "She texted me asking whether you would visit again."

Elliana felt a rush of warmth at his words, knowing that she had made a positive impression on someone so important to Jude. "Yeah Of course I'd love to meet Jobe soon, I heard a lot about him too"

Jude's laughter filled the room, a sound that was both comforting and infectious. "Deal. As long as you promise not to steal all the attention."

"Hey," Elliana protested with mock indignation, poking him lightly in the ribs. "I can't help it if your mom likes me more."

Their banter continued, the familiar rhythm of their teasing banter interspersed with quieter moments of shared affection. As the evening wore on and the weariness of the day caught up with them, their voices softened, and their touches became more tender.

"You know," Jude murmured, pulling Elliana closer to him, "I'm really glad you're here."

"Me too," she whispered, her head resting on his chest once more. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

"you miss your family?" Jude asked while placing soft kisses on her forehead as her eyes closed almost as if she were drifting off to sleep, "yeah a bit...I'll see them though once I get back" Ellie stated. Oddly the thought of Elliana leaving Jude in Germany and making her way back home made him feel as if he was alone again.

He held her tighter, "Have I told you how much I love you Ellie" He said softly as he knew she was already half asleep. "Hmm you said it a lot J, I love you more" Elliana said as if she were talking in her sleep. He smiled to himself as he drifted off to sleep with the most gorgeous girl in his hands, The gentle hum of the city outside.

Waking up early the next morning for the two was something out of the ordinary. Jude opened his eyes to the girl sound asleep in front of him as he admired every part of her face. He blinked awake, the soft light filtering through the curtains casting a gentle glow over the room.

Jude couldn't help but smile as he studied her face, his fingers tracing the curve of her cheekbone, her eyelashes against her skin. He marveled at how beautiful she looked, her lips slightly parted in a quiet breath. It was moments like these that made him realize just how lucky he was to have her.

The room was quiet. Jude reached out hesitantly, brushing a stray strand of hair away from Ellie's face, his touch light and trying to not wake her up. She moved slightly, causing Jude to worry he woke her up but a small sigh escaped her lips, but she didn't wake.

He shifted closer, his heart swelling with love as he watched her. Jude was not ready for Elliana to go back to England while he was here in Germany but he knew she would have to eventually and he would have to focus on football but this girl calmed his nerves so much more than anyone could've.

He looked forward to the day they were about to share together before he was drowned back with football.

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