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Jude's arm placed around Elliana's shoulder, "so you and my mother seem to have got along" he questioned and Elliana covered her eyes. She began ranting on and on.  "I was dying afraid of saying something wrong and her not liking me Jude, like I know you've had gorgeous girls before that probably impressed her way more but... I think I did okay? there was nothing more terrifying, I hoped she didn't see me at first but she started walking toward me... she told me about you when you were a kid" Jude stopped her. "Ellie, look at me"

Elliana slowly placed her eyes on the boy who held on her cheek, "I love you okay? And if I do, so will my family. You need to calm down baby"  The butterflies erupted again, when will Jude stop having this effect on her is all she could think about because every touch, every word he shares with her in their close proximity always makes her feel like love sung by the best lyricists. 

He placed kiss on her lips soft and gentle, slowly pulling away she smiled, "I love you too" Jude laughed, He didn't have to leave today with the team as they were promised a recovery day and Jude planned to spend it with Elliana. Holding her closer to him the two of them made it to Elliana's hotel room.

I take it you're out with your girl tonight?

Yeah man, find urself a girl if you could to keep u company since I'm not there

You're making me sound like I need you bruv

It's the truth is it not

Fuck off


"Texting your boyfriend Jude?" Elliana laughed at Jude who was sharing a conversation with his roommate. "Come here love" Jude signaled to their bed as Ellie happily jumped on while switching the TV on, "do you want to order in?" Ellie asked and Jude nodded, "I'm so excited to have a nice break finally with my pretty girl"

"I kind of have to get some change of clothes down here, I'll go to my room and be back in a bit alright?" Jude said pecking Ellie's lips before leaving. Elliana who felt so adored decided to treat him with a lovely bath, considering the whole of the next day and that night were supposed to be his recovery period after endless practices to prepare him. Ellie wanted to treat him well.

As Jude made his way to his room, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. The kiss they shared left him wanting more than he thought so. Ofcourse he was the one that initiated the fact that the two of them should take it slow because he really did not want to take her for granted but right now he really wanted her. He opened the door to his room and was startled by trent asking him to leave immediately, Jude wasn't quite sure if there was a girl there with him because he closed his eyes as soon as he could but he assumed so, quickly packed a bag with some comfortable clothes, apologized loudly to Trent and headed back downstairs.

When he entered the living room of Elliana's suite, Ellie was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a soft glow eliminating from the bedroom. Curiosity getting the better of him, Jude slowly made his way towards where she was only to find Ellie in front of their large bathtub filled with water and candles lit with soapy bubbles floating on top. "I know you've been really tired so thought I'd help you out" Ellie spoke sweetly and Jude's mind raced with thoughts that shouldn't have as this was a sweet moment.

Jude couldn't believe what he was seeing; this beautiful woman wanted nothing more than to make sure he felt comfortable during his recovery period? His mind racing with thoughts about how perfect she looked standing there confidently and he shamelessly pictured what it would've been like if she was in the bath waiting for him if her eyes met his if she had playfully bit her bottom lip before seductively running her fingers through the water as if inviting him in.

He was removed from his thoughts when Elliana spoke again, "you okay?" She smiled masking  concern, "you're amazing Els" he said kissing her with so much love he couldn't express. "Join me please" Jude said softly as he looked at the thought she put into making sure he started his night fully rested and calmly enjoying a bath. "You wanted things slow remember" Ellie added, "this is slow!" Jude protested. To make it as slow as possible Jude suggested they get in only in their underwear, Ellie smirked and nodded, slowly removing her top and revealing her chest causing Jude to be filled with even more desire and want for her.

"Ellie" he breathed out as he moved closer to her, her black lace bra and her shorts was all she had on and he stood in his white tshirt and shorts. He began kissing Elliana faster than usual he was filled with so much for her. She moved her lips away but his hands firmly placed on her hips and his fingers through the belt loop of her shorts not letting her pull her body away from him.

Elliana was going to speak but she didn't know what to say anymore, she kept her hands on his and slowly moved his hands away. Removing her shorts painfully slow for Jude to watch as he eyed the girls stunning body up and down. Of course Jude had seen almost this much of Elliana through her shoots but to see her right infront of him was a sight he wish lasted forever. She slowly dipped into the water and with one pull from the top Jude removed his tshirt and in his boxers he too made his way into the bath.

The perfect temperature of the water and the vanilla scent from the candles grazed them as the twos eyes were placed on eachother. "Liking what you see Bellingham" Elliana bit her lip. "Loving it" he said as under the water his hands touched her and tried to go further up her leg. Elliana moved closer to him so much so that she straddled herself in his lap feeling him.

He closed his eyes in satisfaction, as the girl kissed his neck and he leaned back but to his dismay Elliana stopped. "What why" Jude groaned, "I'm sorry, someone told me we should take it slow" She teased and he rolled his eyes "babe please don't do that to me" he said in a tone that Ellie hadn't heard from him before.

"Just following your orders" Ellie continued, "fuck my orders" Jude said before smashing his lips on hers again the sound of the water as the two moved in sync his hands slipping around her body with the soapy water and hers on his chest. Jude broke off the kiss to place his lips on her neck as she softly moaned at his touch while he continued to kiss from her neck, to her collarbone to her chest. He wanted to take the bra off her then and there but Ellie stopped him by lifting his face with her hands and continuing to make out with him.

Although the kisses were fast paced and rushing into so much, Ellie slowed him down. "Jude, I love you but slow down." She said in between kisses.

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