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Elliana and Jude hadn't seen each other in so long, and finally, they found themselves alone in her hotel room.

"Hmm, if I'm not wrong, a certain someone said he won't hold anything back the next time he's with me," Ellie teased, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

Jude chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with affection and desire. "Who is this guy?" he joked, taking a step closer to her.

The tension between them was palpable as the door closed behind them. Their eyes showed the lust between them as their needs for eachother grew as fast as their heartbeats at this moment. Without hesitation, Elliana closed the gap between them, her hands holding onto Jude's face as she leaned in to kiss him. His arms wrapped around her instinctively, pulling her close as their lips met in an embrace.

In a haze of kisses and soft sighs, their bodies pressed together in a dance of longing for eachother. Elliana' hands made its way to his chest as she felt his sculpted body and her hands went further down to his chest. Elliana pulled back slightly, her breath catching as she looked up at him, her eyes shining with unspoken emotions.

"I missed you," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "Crazy that we grew so close to each other and this is the first time we properly made out huh"

Jude smiled tenderly. "I like that it happened that way, it feels a hell of a lot better kissing you while I've fallen for you already"

If words could kill. Elliana felt the butterflies erupt with every single letter flowing out of his mouth. The words he said were taken straight out of her heart as well because she had really fallen for him too, the amount of love she felt for him only made her want to kiss him more as a response and so she did. They continued to share soft kisses, each one a testament to the depth of their connection.

"You're everything and more Bellingham" She said. Jude holding onto her hips slowly moved infront of her and she backed up until she felt the edge of the bed, still holding eye contact with Jude she laid on the bed while he hovered over her. "Hey pretty girl" he smiled, Ellie bit her lip, "keeping the promises you made on call Pretty boy?"

"I'd love to" Jude said as he leaned over her as she laid on her bed, her chest moved with each deep breath she took and the tension between them, His one hand on the side of her propping himself up and the other holding her waist as he began nibbling on her neck. Elliana's eyes closed as she savored the moment, each time she felt his breath on her neck was enough for her to want more from him, Jude stopped what he was doing an looked at her "buuut" Jude whispered and Ellie opened her eyes to face him, only inches away.

"No but no but please no but" Ellie said as Jude sat up and so did Elliana. "I have to get going Els" he said reminding her of their curfew. "No we have more time don't we" Ellie looked at him with hopeful eyes. "Yeah, but... this isn't something we should rush into okay" Jude wasn't one to take things slow, given his history with other girls but it was different with Elliana and he really wanted to make every second count.

Ellie nodded and fixed her hair, "yeah yeah, I'm sorry" she smiled, "don't be, idiot" Jude chirped

"Did you just call me an idiot, you donut" Elliana fought back, "donut?!" Jude began laughing, "Ellie did you just call me a donut?" Jude's thick accent made its way to Elliana's ears and she pushed him playfully. "I couldn't think of an insult" she said with a small laugh and I'll Jude pulled her into a hug and Elliana moved quickly as she felt ticklish.

"Shocking, you ? without a proper insult?" Jude teased as he noticed she seems to be ticklish very easily and began to annoy her and he laughs echoed in the room as she couldn't beat the guy who was way to strong for her to stop, "Jude...Stop.... Please" she cried in between laughs and he knew he was not going to get away easily once the girl regained her breath.

"I hate you" she mumbled once he stopped and Jude admired the girls annoyed face that looked way too cute to him. "Hey els"

"Don't hey els me"

"Okay, I'm sorry! What do you want me to do for you, anything" Jude offered but Elliana didn't know what to ask for, he did say anything. "How long does the offer last?" Ellie shared a questionable look to the boy.

"Hmm a week"

"Okay, I'll hold on to that" Ellie smiled in victory, she may have been tickled to death but at least she got something out of it. As the night deepened, they found themselves wrapped in each other's arms under the soft glow of lamplight. "I've got to go now Ellie" Jude said, kissing her forehead with his hands holding her face tightly. He missed this girl more than anything in his life and even leaving her in this room was painful slightly but this time, knowing she was going to be here whenever he wanted to see her made him feel a lot better than earlier because she was here for him and with him.

They had fallen hard for each other, Ellie closed her eyes tightly when he kissed her forehead knowing in the minutes to follow that she was going to miss his touch once again.

Both of them had fallen hard.

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