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The morning started with Elliana calling Aaliyah and Maya just to fill them up on how she was doing in Germany while finding out how they are back at home. Jude enjoyed watching the girl glisten while on call with people she loved and could only imagine if that was what she was like when they were talking to each other every day.

"Yeah yeah maya...love you too bye!" Ellie said as she made her way to Jude with a smile on her face. "So Jude, what are your plans for today?" Elliana chirped, "plans are to rest with my lovely girl" Jude said back while taking a deep sigh. "How about we go out for a bit on a walk or something, I'm sort of tired of being stuck in the room J"

Jude nodded and got himself changed to a hoodie to cover him from the public as much as possible. They spent the afternoon in the room with each other but  decided to go on the walk as it was evening and the feeling of an evening walk was unmatchable. Elliana smiled widely holding his hand as they made their way out of the hotel room for that day. They strolled through the charming streets of Munich, Jude and Ellie enjoyed the breeze and air and the vibrant atmosphere of the city. Ellie wrapped her arm around Jude's, feeling a sense of comfort and safety just being by his side. "Thank you for coming on the walk with me Jude"

"Of course my pretty girl" he kissed her forehead.

To be able to walk around freely in love was just a dream for the both of them and to fall for eachother so quickly. The couple were indeed a stunning pair that caught the eyes of a few people as they enjoyed their time alone. As they approached a quaint café, their peaceful moment was abruptly shattered by a group of loud, individuals who were nearby.

Ellie noticed them staring intently, whispering to each other and occasionally casting mean and angry glances in their direction. The people seemed like they were capable of harm and this caused Elliana to fear the moment a bit. Uncomfortable but trying to ignore them, Ellie squeezed Jude's arm a little tighter.

However, as they passed by, one of the men in the group recognized Jude. His eyes widened, and he nudged his friends, who erupted into snickers and jeers. Elliana wished they went unnoticed because she disliked the unwanted attention that was put upon them. "J can we leave" Elliana asked sounding afraid and this made Jude's eyebrows scrunch in confusion, "we just got here" Jude spoke.

"Please I don't feel like this is right, I'm sorry but let's go back?" Elliana protested and Jude nodded okay not wanting the girl to feel uncomfortable but he was in utter confusion of why she acted so.
Ellie's heart sank as she heard the men begin to throw their way.

"Oh it's Jude Bellingham, the English star!" The man spoke as he walked upto the couple as they made their way out the cafe. "Yeah and look who he's with" Another spoke. The talk between the largely built men seemed like something the two should've run away from but for some reason they couldn't make their way out soon enough. "She's only with him for the money!" There began the harsh words attacking at Elliana.

"Nah man, probably got knocked up, that's why he's stuck with her!"

"What a slut"

The words stung like a series of painful jabs. Ellie froze, her cheeks burning with humiliation and hurt. She glanced at Jude, seeking reassurance or guidance, but he had turned to face the group, his expression hardening with anger. She signaled for them to pass the men to walk away from all this so that she could feel less pain.

But Jude had other plans, he was not going to watch them say more shit to Ellie like that. That's something he would never tolerate. Of course he knew what the consequences were to her when they started dating but there was no way he was going to watch it happen infront of him. "Hey, you have no right to talk to her like that," Jude's voice was low and menacing, his fists clenched at his sides. "Shut your mouth and show some respect."

The group seemed momentarily taken aback by Jude's sudden defensive stance. One of them, confidence shone through him by alcohol or guts, stepped forward, pointing a finger accusingly at Ellie. "Why should we respect her? She's just a gold digger looking for her next paycheck!"

Ellie's eyes were filled with shock, her hands trembling. She was never someone to take shit from anyone but right now she didn't know how to react, with tears pooling in her eyes, she looked at the man in disgust. "Fuck off" Ellie spat.

Before the man could respond, Jude stepped protectively in front of her, blocking her from view.

"You heard her you fucking drunkards, " Jude's voice filled with anger. "Now back off before I make you."

The tension in the air thickened as the group hesitated, assessing Jude's unwavering resolve. Sensing the escalating confrontation, Ellie tugged gently on Jude's arm, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let's go, now. Please."

Reluctantly, Jude tore his gaze away from the group and guided Ellie away from the scene. Purposely Jude pushed one of them out of his way with his shoulder as he passed them. His jaw was clenched, his grip on Elliana's hand firm but reassuring. They walked back to their hotel, the echoes of the encounter floating in their minds although neither one bought it up.

Inside her room, as soon as the door shut, Ellie collapsed onto Jude's arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I really don't want to be an emotional bitch about it and cry" She attempted to joke. Jude held her head onto his chest. "You shouldn't have to hold that in Ellie. That was fucking terrible" Jude frustration was evident. He slowly moved her head away to make eye contact while taking her hand in his.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Jude murmured, his voice filled with regret. "They had no right to say those things."

Ellie wiped her tears with the back of her hand, her voice barely a whisper. "It's okay, Jude. I just...I hope it doesn't happen again cause it really sucks."

Elliana was not hurt for the words they said, well it did play a part but she knew that none of it was true. She was afraid of the situation of being trapped by people who had nothing but shit to say. Jude pulled her into a gentle embrace again, holding her close. "I know, Ellie. I wish I could shield you from all of it."

They stayed like that for a long while, the online hate had died down recently as more people began shipping the couple more and Elliana had hoped that it would be the end of dealing with nasty people but unfortunately she saw that the end was never going to come.

However, to have Jude by her side and promising to protect her and keep her safe. She had nothing to worry about and with those thoughts playing in her mind she hugged him tighter.

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