Part 4:The Piston peak\All hail Plankton\Now that we're brave\Bigger boot

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(the ghost friends and Autobots stop at the piston peak bar)

Ironhide:now this is my place!

Lisa:I have a 80% chance this will certainly be a bad idea!

Mater: Ahem! Can I have everybody's attention,please!? [Everyone clusters around Mater and Darcy With angry expressions, ready for a fight.]

Darcy:Is there a kids zone?

Boat jacker: It's, uh... right over there. [He points behind him]

Darcy:thank you! (She,Mater and Bumbleee runs off)

Flip: [Walks over to Darcy and Bumblebee in a fabulous pole dancer outfit] Welcome to the Piston Pit. What can I get you fellas?

Bumbleee: Ooh! I want the Energon special! The one with Fires and buffalo wings!

Darcy:I have the kids meal!

Shadow:just give me a chaos cola and some ribs.

Flip:Okay. Knock yourself out,kids.

[Flip walks away as Bumblebee sits down at the table]

Darcy: I never sat on a barstool before! it spins! [Spins around on the barstool] Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Bumblebee: I go wash my hands.

Darcy:ok! Let's go together!

(The two walk into their respective gender bathrooms)

(Bumblebee pumps the soap dispenser, and the top is pushed off by pressure from bubbles forming inside of it.] Darcy, check it out! [He pumps more.]

Bumbleee: Wow!

Both: Hooray! Bubble party! [Bubbles float all around the bathroom and ragtime music plays as SpongeBob and Patrick join them as the 4 laugh and dance with bubbles.]

But one bubble drifts out the door and into the pub. Victor, the bartender, sees it.]

Motormaster: Hey! Who blew this bubble?! [He punches it, and it pops.] You all know the rules!

Everybody in the main area of the Thug Tug: [In unison] All bubble-blowing babies will be beaten into stasis by every able-bodied patron in the bar.

Breakdown: [lagging behind]

Victor: That's right! So who blew it?!


[Bumbleee and Darcy frantically pop all of the bubbles]

Motormaster: So... nobody knows?

Leni: Maybe it was...

Motormaster: Shut up! [Throws a chair at her] Somebody in here ain't a real man. [Bumbleee and Darcy attempt to sneak out, but Motormaster sees them.] You! We're on a baby hunt. And don't think we don't know how to weed 'em out. Now, everybody line up! [SpongeBob, Patrick,Darcy,Bumblebee, and the thugs all fall in line] DJ! Time for the test. [Soundblaster gives a thumbs-up and plays a cassette.] No baby can resist singing along to this. [The Goofy Goober theme song plays]

Patrick: [Nervously] SpongeBob, it's the Goofy Goober theme song.

SpongeBob: [In a raspy voice] I know! [SpongeBob and Patrick try to resist to sing along]

Goofy Goober: [On record] ♪Oh, I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah. You're a Goofy Goober, yeah. We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah. Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah!♪

[As the song goes on, Motormaster walks down the line to see the patron's responses to the songs.]

Animated Skywarp: [coughs]

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