Part 5: Shell city\Omega supreme\live and learn

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[Mario then wake up in fright]

Lucy: Are we dead yet?

SpongeBob: I don't think so. [Inspects the ground] Artificially colored rocks?

[Patrick and Lana eat some pebbles]

Tails: I don't know where we are. [Bumps into glass] is this a glass bowl?

Amy: (attempts to break the glass but her hammer is gone) oh come on!

SpongeBob: Hey, there's some fish folk.

[Camera unblur to show some fish knick-knacks and siege toys on the shelves and nooks]

SpongeBob and Patrick: Hey, over here! Hey! Hey! Hey, you guys!

Darcy:can you please help us?

Mater: gives us a houler! A little help here! We're stuck in this...

Optimus prime: Wait a second. [Camera shows three knick-knacks: some seahorses,some minicons,a puffer fish, and a mariachi band] Their all... dead.

[Darcy,Stephanie and Bumblebee hug each other and tremble in fear. The scuba diver spies on the group,who run around the fishbowl in terror, while he laughs evilly]

Lightning:What's he gonna do with us?!

[the scuba diver appears and takes out a small toolbox]

Darcy:Oh, no, he's going for his evil instruments of destruction!

[the scuba diver takes out glue and google eyes]

Lisa:Glue? Google eyes?

Lincoln:He's making a humorous diorama of... [scuba diver glues the google eyes on a clam, and puts a black top hat on it and a rotary phone near it] Alexander Clam Bell?!

Libby:he's killing sea animals and making them into smelly knickknacks! And I think we're next!

Mater: You think so? [The scuba diver takes Mater out of the glass bowl]

SpongeBob: No!

Amy:Ahh! [Scuba diver takes SpongeBob and the others out of the bowl and places them on a table containing a heat lamp]

Ronnie Anne:The heat is so intense from this lamp that I can't... move.

Scuba Diver: [Laughs maniacally, takes a book, steps into the bathroom and closes the door]

Lucy:i didn't expect us too die this way.

Mater: [In a weak voice] You mean we're not gonna ♪ get the crown, save the town and Mr. Krabs?♪

Jazz: I don't even think we're gonna be able to save ourselves, buddy.

[Jazz's torso falls off, then Lana puts it back]

SpongeBob: Well, it looks like what everybody said about us is true.

Luigi: You mean that we're attractive?

Mario: No, that we're just-a kids. A couple of kids in way over their heads..... We were doomed from the start..... I mean, look at us. We didn't even come close to the crown. We let everybody down. We failed.

Darcy: Shell City?

Optimus: Yeah, we never made it to Shell City.....

Darcy: Shell City.

Stephanie: Exactly,sis. the place we never got to.....

Mater: Shell City.

Shadow: OK, now you're starting to bum me out!

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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