4 - Little Rapunzel

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Panic pulsed through Rapunzel's veins as she raced through the castle corridors. Varian's frantic message echoed in her mind: Andrew had escaped, and he was targeting her. She didn't know why, but the fear in Varian's voice sent shivers down her spine.

Bursting into her room, she slammed the door shut, her back hitting the heavy wood with a thud. She scanned the room, searching for any hidden dangers, any sign of Andrew's twisted presence. Silence. Except for the frantic hammering of her own heart.

Just as she began to relax a sliver, a chilling chuckle echoed in the room. A figure emerged from the shadows, a cruel smile plastered on his face. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel," Andrew drawled, his voice dripping with malice.

"Andrew!" Rapunzel gasped, her hand instinctively reaching for the frying pan she kept hidden under her bed – a useless weapon against a hulking brute like him.

"Surprised to see me, princess?" he sneered, taking a menacing step closer.

Before Rapunzel could respond, another figure materialized beside Andrew. A woman with fiery red hair and a calculating glint in her eyes – Clementine, Andrew's ruthless accomplice. A cruel smile played on her lips as she raised a strange staff, its tip crackling with an ominous purple energy.

"Don't worry, princess," Clementine said, her voice laced with a sickly sweet amusement. "We won't hurt you... much."

Rapunzel's breath hitched. She knew they were capable of anything.

"What do you want?" she demanded, forcing a semblance of bravery into her voice.

Andrew chuckled again, a harsh, grating sound. "A little payback, princess. And to ensure you stay out of our way."

Suddenly, Clementine pointed the staff at Rapunzel. The purple energy crackled with an intensity that made Rapunzel's hair stand on end.

"No!" Rapunzel screamed, but it was too late. A bolt of energy shot from the staff, engulfing her in a blinding light.

When the light faded, Rapunzel stood frozen, a choked gasp escaping her lips. Her body had shrunk, her golden hair now a short, tangled mess. She looked down at her hands, small and delicate, the hands of a child.

Clementine cackled, a horrifying sound that echoed through the room. "Looks like someone needs a time-out, princess," she sneered.

Andrew grabbed Rapunzel roughly, his laughter echoing in her ears. "Think twice about interfering with us again, little princess," he growled, his voice laced with a dangerous threat.

With that, Andrew and Clementine vanished into the night, leaving Rapunzel alone, a scared child trapped in a body that couldn't fight back. Tears welled up in her eyes, a mixture of fear and frustration threatening to overwhelm her.

She was powerless, turned back into a child by a cruel curse. But Rapunzel, despite her fear, refused to give up. She knew her friends would find her, and together, they would stop Andrew and Clementine. They would break the curse, and she would face them again, this time stronger, this time ready. As long as she had hope, she wouldn't let them win.

Sunlight, weak and diffused, crept through Rapunzel's window, painting pale squares onto the floor. But unlike any other morning, the sound of birdsong and the bustle of the castle did little to stir her from her slumber. She huddled under the covers, a whimper escaping her lips as a nightmare flickered at the edges of her memory.

Suddenly, the bedroom door creaked open. A tall figure stood silhouetted against the light, casting a long shadow across the room.

"Hey, Blondie," a familiar voice called out. "Still asleep? The sun's been up for hours."

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