8 - The Power of The Moondrop

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Rain lashed against the castle walls, a relentless drumming that mirrored the frantic pounding of Ruddiger's tiny heart. He had sprinted through the night, fueled by a desperate need to deliver Varian's message. Exhaustion gnawed at him, his fur plastered to his body, but he couldn't stop. Not until he found Rapunzel.

The familiar scent of the castle kitchens drew him in. Slipping through a conveniently open window, Ruddiger navigated the bustling corridors, dodging the clatter of pots and the hurried steps of servants. His nose twitched, catching a whiff of cinnamon and something sweet – Rapunzel was nearby.

He burst into the bustling royal kitchen, startling a young scullery maid who shrieked and dropped a tray of pastries. Disregarding the flying croissants, Ruddiger scanned the room, his sharp eyes finally landing on his target.

Rapunzel, her face etched with worry, stood beside a grim-faced Queen Arianna and a determined Eugene Fitzherbert. Lashanie, her brow furrowed in concern, hovered nearby.

Ruddiger let out a series of frantic squeaks, his tiny body trembling with urgency. Rapunzel's eyes widened in recognition.

"Ruddiger?" she gasped, dropping to her knees. The raccoon scurried towards her, nuzzling her hand with a whimper. "He's with you... Varian?"

Ruddiger chittered and scratched at the stone floor, his frantic movements leaving no room for doubt. Varian was in trouble.

A strangled cry escaped Rapunzel's lips. The memory of Varian's kind eyes, his gentle smile, flooded her mind. She wouldn't let him down. Not again.

Queen Arianna, her face hardening with determination, knelt beside Rapunzel. "Where is he, Ruddiger?" she asked, her voice surprisingly calm despite the tremor in her hands.

Ruddiger, sensing her concern, turned and scurried towards the window, glancing back at them with a pleading look.

Eugene, ever the pragmatist, stepped forward. "He wants us to follow," he said, his voice gruff but laced with concern.

Rapunzel nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. She wouldn't cry. Not now. She needed to be strong, for Varian, for herself.

Queen Arianna rose, her regal bearing masking the storm brewing within. "We leave immediately," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "Lashanie, inform the Captain of the Royal Guard. We need a search party assembled, discreetly."

Lashanie, her eyes filled with worry, scurried to obey. Rapunzel, clutching Ruddiger close to her chest, looked at Eugene. He met her gaze, a silent understanding passing between them.

"We'll find him, Rapunzel," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "Together."

Rapunzel offered him a shaky smile, the fierce determination in her eyes belying her fear. Varian was out there, alone and afraid. But he wasn't alone anymore. They were coming for him, a band of unlikely heroes united by love, loyalty, and a fierce determination to bring their friend home. With Ruddiger leading the way, they dashed out of the kitchen, the rhythmic drumming of the rain a grim accompaniment to their desperate quest. The storm raged outside, but within them burned a fire, a flicker of hope that wouldn't be extinguished until Varian was safe in their arms once more.

Agony lanced through Varian's body with each blow. Andrew, his face contorted with sadistic glee, rained down another series of punches and kicks. Varian's vision swam, the flickering torchlight fracturing into a kaleidoscope of pain. He coughed, a spray of blood staining his ragged shirt.

"You think you're strong, Varian?" Andrew sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "You think you can defy me?"

Varian, his voice raspy from the beatings, managed a weak scoff. "I... I won't break."

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