15 - The Festival

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A cheer erupted from behind them, shattering the contemplative silence. Arianna, ever the flamboyant one, emerged from the castle doors, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Well, well, well," she boomed, her voice carrying across the courtyard. "Looks like our favorite alchemist just saved the day... again!"

Varian flinched slightly at the attention, but Arianna, unfazed, strode towards him, her signature brunette hair bouncing with each step.

"Don't be shy, Varian," she teased, clapping him on the back with surprising strength. "This calls for a celebration! The biggest, most boisterous bash Corona has ever seen!"

Rapunzel's eyes widened. "A party? But Arianna, the kingdom is still in a state of..."

Arianna cut her off with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Poppycock, my dear! This isn't just any party. This is a celebration for the day the Prince of Corona returned from the brink! A day Varian, with his courage and ingenuity, saved us all from another potential disaster!"

Varian's cheeks flushed at the unexpected title, a mix of embarrassment and pride battling within him. He hadn't seen himself as a hero, just a scared alchemist trying to control a dangerous power.

But Arianna wouldn't be swayed. "Besides," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Think of the research opportunities! Varian could use the celebratory chaos to gather valuable data on emotional fluctuations and their impact on the moonstone's energy!"

Varian's eyes lit up at the scientific possibilities. A party dedicated to him, a chance to further his research... it was an unorthodox approach, but it might just work.

Frederic chuckled, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Arianna, you always know how to turn a crisis into an opportunity."

Arianna winked. "It's a talent, Your Majesty. Now, let's get planning! We need decorations, food, entertainment... and of course, a giant celebratory vat of Varian's signature hot chocolate!"

Lashanie squeezed Varian's hand, a silent understanding passing between them. This wouldn't be an easy road, but with a supportive family, a loyal best friend, and a slightly eccentric advisor on his side, Varian was ready to face the challenges ahead. The moonstone's power thrummed faintly within him, a constant reminder of the work he had to do.

But as he looked around at the faces of his loved ones, a smile touched his lips. He wasn't alone. And with a party to plan, a kingdom to protect, and a heart full of hope, Varian, the alchemist prince, was ready to embrace the extraordinary future that awaited him.

A nervous energy crackled in the air of the newly appointed prince's chamber. Varian, stripped down to his undershirt, held the unfamiliar clothes with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. The white pants felt stiff compared to his usual work trousers, the boots polished to a mirror shine gleamed in the afternoon light.

Rapunzel, perched on a nearby chair, watched him with a smile. "You look a little lost," she said gently.

Varian sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Lost? No, not lost exactly. More like... out of place in someone else's clothes." He eyed the uniform with a critical eye. "It's nice, really, but maybe a little... too much?"

"Too much?" Rapunzel raised an eyebrow. "This is a coronation, Varian. It's supposed to be a little over-the-top."

"But what if I don't want to be over-the-top?" Varian mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. "What if I want to be... well, me?"

Rapunzel hopped off the chair and walked towards him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she looked at him with understanding. "I know," she said softly. "And believe me, I fought for you to have some say in what you wear. Trust me, this is a lot less... frilly... than some of the options the Royal Tailor suggested."

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