9 - Welcome Home

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Soft sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, painting the room in warm hues. Varian blinked, his vision blurry at first. His body felt heavy, a dull ache throbbing in his limbs. He tried to sit up, but a sharp pain in his side sent him back down with a gasp.

A gasp that was immediately followed by a flurry of activity. A woman dressed in the pale blue of a handmaiden rushed to his side, her face etched with concern.

"Your Majesty!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with alarm. "He's awake!"

Varian's head snapped towards the source of the voice. There, in a plush armchair beside the bed, sat Queen Arianna. Her hair was streaked with grey, etched with worry lines that hadn't been there before. But her eyes, as they met his, were filled with a warmth that made his breath hitch.

"Varian," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "You're finally awake. Thank goodness."

Memories flooded back in a dizzying rush – the capture, the beatings, the blinding power coursing through him. And then, darkness. He had been unconscious for how long?

"Wh... what happened?" he rasped, his voice hoarse.

A gentle hand touched his forehead, pushing back a stray strand of hair. "You were injured, my dear," Arianna said, her voice laced with a maternal tenderness. "But you fought bravely. We brought you back to the castle, and the healers... they've been tending to you."

Arianna's words were a balm to his soul. He had fought, he had protected his family, and they, in turn, had protected him. His gaze drifted to his bandaged hand, the throbbing a dull echo of the ordeal. But his heart... his heart soared.

"Family?" he croaked, the word foreign yet strangely comforting on his tongue.

Arianna smiled, a warm light flickering in her eyes. "Yes, Varian," she said. "You're family now. And Rapunzel... she's been beside herself with worry."

Just as if summoned by his thoughts, the door creaked open and Rapunzel burst in. Her golden hair, unbound and flowing, cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes, wide with relief, met his, and a tear escaped and rolled down her cheek.

"Varian!" she cried, rushing to his side. "You're awake! Oh, thank goodness!"

She enveloped him in a tight hug, the familiar scent of lavender and sunshine filling his senses. A warmth spread through him, chasing away the lingering chill of fear.

"Easy there, Rapunzel," Arianna chuckled, gently disentangling them. "He's still healing."

Rapunzel blushed, a sheepish smile on her face. "Sorry, I just... I was so worried."

Varian, his heart overflowing with gratitude, squeezed her hand. "I'm okay, Rapunzel," he rasped, his voice weak but sincere. "Thank you... for coming for me."

Arianna rose from her chair, her shoulders squared with a newfound determination. "There's much to discuss," she declared. "But for now, you rest, Varian. We'll be here when you wake again."

With a final squeeze of his hand and a kiss from Rapunzel on his forehead, Arianna and the handmaiden left the room, leaving Varian in a peaceful silence. He closed his eyes, a contented sigh escaping his lips. He was safe, he was loved, and he had a purpose – to protect this family, this newfound light in his life. The scars may remain, a physical reminder of his ordeal, but within him bloomed a newfound strength, fueled by love and loyalty. He wouldn't let them down. He, Varian, the alchemist, the son, the brother, would find a way to use the moonstone's power for good. He would be their protector, their shield against the darkness. And as he drifted back to sleep, a single word echoed in his mind – family.

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