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In a smoke-filled room deep within the labyrinthine corridors of the mafia's operations, Jungkook, a trusted lieutenant, stood with furrowed brows beside his boss, Mr. Kang. The air was thick with tension as Mr. Kang's steely gaze scanned the room, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade.

"Find out who leaked the information," Mr. Kang's command was terse and uncompromising, his fingers drumming impatiently on the polished wooden desk.

Jungkook nodded curtly, his mind already racing with plans and calculations. He reached for his phone and swiftly dialed a number, his expression hardening as he issued orders in a low, urgent tone.

"Get me everything you can on the leak," Jungkook instructed his contact, his voice betraying no hint of emotion. "I need names, places-anything that will lead us to him."

Minutes passed like hours as Jungkook waited, his jaw clenched in anticipation. Finally, a text message pinged on his phone, delivering the crucial information he sought. With a determined nod, Jungkook relayed the details to his team, his voice a quiet command amidst the controlled chaos of their preparations.

"Let's move," Jungkook ordered, his tone brooking no argument. He led his men out into the gritty streets, their footsteps echoing against the concrete as they pursued their target with methodical precision.

The night swallowed them whole as they navigated through the shadows of the city, the distant glow of neon lights casting eerie silhouettes upon their determined faces. Jungkook's mind raced with the weight of their mission, his senses heightened as they closed in on their quarry.

With each step, Jungkook's resolve hardened, his focus unyielding as they cornered the traitor in a dimly lit alleyway. There, amidst the faint scent of garbage and distant sounds of nightlife, Jungkook confronted the betrayer with a gaze as cold as steel.

"You thought you could betray us and get away with it?" Jungkook's voice was low and dangerous, his words laced with the unspoken threat of retribution. "You underestimated us."

The traitor's eyes widened in fear as Jungkook's men closed in, their expressions grim and unforgiving. Without hesitation, they seized the traitor, their hands firm and unrelenting as they secured him with practiced efficiency.

Jungkook's gaze never wavered as he looked upon the man who had dared to jeopardize their operations. In that moment, amidst the harsh realities of their world, Jungkook knew that loyalty and betrayal were currency traded in equal measure. And tonight, the debt would be paid in full.

He stood with his men, a gun aimed unwaveringly at their target. His finger hovered over the trigger, poised to enact the ruthless justice demanded by their world. The man before him, a traitor to their code, trembled under the weight of impending retribution.

But before he could finalize the fateful act, a sudden disruption shattered the tense tableau. A girl, swift and determined, emerged from the shadows behind him. With a resounding slap, her hand struck his cheek with shocking force, snapping his gaze away from the target.

Stunned and caught off guard, he staggered back, his grip on the gun momentarily faltering.Jungkook's fury burned hot as he stared at the Muslim girl in her abaya who had thwarted his plans. His jaw clenched, hands balling into fists at his sides. The girl stood defiantly, her eyes blazing with righteous fury as she challenged his resolve with a single act of defiance. The air crackled with tension, the moment hanging suspended in disbelief.

"Put that gun down !" Her voice cut through the tension like a blade.

Jungkook froze, startled by the sudden interruption. He turned slowly, the gun still aimed at the man before him. His eyes met hers, filled with fiery determination.

Mafia and Muslimah: A journey to imanWhere stories live. Discover now