Body dysmorphia and a new Spanish class

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-the next day-

When my alarm went off, I spent the better part of ten minutes scrolling on social media. My eyes were hooked on all of those pencil-thin girls on my instagram feed. With their flat stomachs, hourglass figures, and perfect bikini bodies. Summer was coming up and I cringed at the thought of my current body in one of those gorgeous two-pieces that they always wore. I craved to look like them. I needed to look like them. I went into the kitchen and Steph was standing there. "Morning y/n, what do you want for breakfast?" "Um, I'm not really that hungry. I think it might be another side effect from chemo." I lied. "You have to eat SOMETHING before you go to school." "I'll just take a granola bar to eat when I get hungry again." She gave me a cautious look but then agreed. "Okay...don't make a habit of this though." I grabbed one and went back to my room.

Until I had to leave for the bus, I spent some time in my room doing crunches. I continued even when it hurt. Especially because it hurt. I wished I had a scale in my room. I needed to see exactly how much of a fat disappointment I truly was. I checked the time then grabbed my backpack and ran to the bus stop.

Once I got to school, I threw out the granola bar at the first trash can I saw, put my backpack away, and headed to Spanish class. When I got there, Alex and Birdseed were standing in front of the closed door, looking lost and dumbfounded. "Are you guys on a strike? Why aren't you going in?" I jokingly asked. "Garny threw us out." Birdseed said, annoyed. "Wait, actually?" I responded in surprise. "Yeah, actually. We walked in and she immediately started yelling at us and basically shoved us out of the room." Alex said. "I'm going to try and see if she lets me in." I daringly said. "Good luck, but I doubt it." Birdseed said. I took a deep breath and creaked open the door. Before I even got to my seat, Ms. Garny took one sharp look at me and fiercely ordered. "OUT!" She firmly pointed at the door. "What? You can't just kick me out of class? I don't want to be here either." I sassily responded. "I won't ask again. GET. OUT." "Y'know what? No." I braced for what was about to come next. "Would you like me to call your Dad again? I don't give a damn HOW famous he is. I will sure as hell call him and tell him what an annoying and inconsiderate little brat his daughter is. "For what? Going to class?" I asked, in awe. "I'll tell him you stole the grade book as long as it puts you in your place. And I've heard that he isn't too fond of getting calls anymore." She evilly grinned. "Fine! I don't want to be in your stupid f*cking class anyway!" I pushed my desk forward and stormed out, making sure to slam the door behind me.

"I assume it went just swimmingly." Birdseed sarcastically said as I joined them and Alex. "She threatened to lie to my Dad just to get me in trouble. What kind of petty b*tch of a teacher does that?" "We know. We and probably the entirety of North Carolina heard that conversation." Alex said. Right afterwards, Ms. Garny joined us in the hallway. We all tensed up, afraid she was going to beat us or something. Instead she just gave us each our own personal insulting lecture. "Alex, one of these days I'm going to bring a roll of duct tape and finally shut up that snotty little mouth of yours. If you think you can just talk back to your teachers like that, you are in need of a REALITY CHECK." He rolled his eyes. She moved on to Birdseed. "And YOU. I don't know what's up with you celebrity kids but you have some audacity for the stunts you pull in class. You better shape up before high school next year. I fear for what will happen to you THEN." When she said "shape up" it gave me unwelcome reminders of how much of a disgusting pig I was and how desperately I needed to get skinny by this summer. "Worst for last, you. Y/N Patrick. You have some serious nerve if you think you can just get away with swearing, let alone at me. It is beyond disrespectful and I don't know what to even do with you anymore. You might take the number one spot for worst student I have had to deal with. "Thank you! And you might take the number one spot for worst teacher I have had to deal with." I insulted. She looked so offended that I thought she might cry but instead she handed each of us a paper.

"These are your new schedules. The only thing that has changed is your Spanish class. I talked to some people and have gotten you all OUT of my class." She proudly said. I read my new teacher's name. "Mr. Carter." "Same!" Birdseed joyously yelped. "No way! Me too!" Alex shouted. "Let's GO!" We all high fived. "Personally, I feel terrible for him, having to teach your sorry selves. Now that you are out of my hands, go to his class. Or don't, I couldn't care less. But you aren't allowed to stay here." With that she forcefully closed the door and we all went to his class. When we got there, he said "Oh, I've been expecting you three! Have you figured it out with Ms. Garny?" "Kind of? We know we are supposed to be here though." Alex said. "Welcome to my class! You can sit wherever as long as it isn't distracting." I then looked at the class to see Raina, Hailey, and Nora looking at us enthusiastically. They were all sitting in a row so I took a seat next to Nora on one end, Birdseed sat next to me, and Alex went behind us. "What happened?" Hailey whispered to me. "Ms. Garny had enough and kicked us out of her class. Somehow, all three of us were transferred here." "Let's. F*cking. Go." Raina said.

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