Chapter 3

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With trembling feet, Swara finally entered the room where Sanskaar was. Her whole body shivered. She did not want to even imagine what kind of pain Sanskaar went through when bullets were shot at him. Warm tears formed in her eyes which she anyhow masked.

As she wiped her tears silently, her gaze met with Ragini who was staring at her continuously. Her eyes had so many questions which Swara did not want to answer.

"Can I take a look at patient's reports?" Swara said keeping her voice as strong as possible. Adarsh forwarded her a file and  moved away without even looking at her. Her heart ached a little but she composed herself anyhow.

"I can assure you that I will do everything in my control to make him fine asap." Swara said and looked at Sanskar, "But for now, patient needs rest. I will inform you all about Sanskar's health periodically."

"Sanskar sir!" Laksh commanded her, "It's either Mr. Maaheshwari or Sanskar sir for the outsiders."

Swara felt thousands of needles piercing her heart at once. She wanted to cry now but could not. Inhaling deeply, she composed herself.

"Very well!" She said.

As everyone moved out, Adarsh came near her and looked at her with questions.

"Why Swara di?" He asked. Swara's heart again felt a pain she had forgotten years back.

"Some questions need not to be answered." She replied and turned her face away.

As Adarsh moved out, she finally sighed a little and sat on a stool placed nearby Sanskaar. She was trying hard to supress the lump formed in her throat. Lying in front of her was the person she could die for. She remembered how he looked the last time she saw him. He was admitted in ICU due to covid complications. There was a very little hope for him. She remembered how she cried for him. But he could not see her. He was completely unconscious.

She did not know when she placed her hand on his hair. The touch was electrifying. She remembered how she used to roam her fingers in his hair. How he loved it!

Warm tears were falling from Swara's eyes. She was unaware of two eyes staring her. It was Ragini. But without saying anything, she went from there.

Day converted to night. Swara entered the room she was provided. She sat on the couch and stared outside. Forest and river, both were silent today.

Before she could think of anything, she heard a knock.

Swara saw Ragini with the dinner. Seeing her once best friend behaving as stranger was hurting her but she was aware that Ragini was getting the same feeling too. For once, she felt a strong urge to hug her and cry her heart out. But she anyhow composed herself.

"Thank you.." She replied.

Swara sensed a rage in Ragini's eyes.

As she went out, Swara again sat on the couch. Her whole life was rolling in front of her now.


Gadodiya pharmaceutical company, one of the leading brands in India. Products ranging from general medicines to high end ones, they used to manufacture all. The owner of the company, Jaiprakash Gadodiya, a cunning and Orthodox man could go to any extent to make his company number 1.

Very few people knew that he had a brother too. And he had broken all ties with him 15 years ago. Shekhar was his name. He never liked the cunning ways in which his brother worked.

Shekhar Gadodiya, who owned a car showroom in the city of Jaipur, the same city in which his brother lived, was earning enough to provide a good life to his wife, Sharmishtha and lovely daughter, Swara.

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