Chapter 15

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Evening had turned into night. Swara was sitting on the same couch. She suddenly saw Sanskar's fingers moving a little. A smile and relief spread over her face. As she came near him to check him, Sanskaar opened his eyes.

"How are you feeling now?" Swara asked gently, "Any pain or tightness?"

Sanskaar denied. He then recalled the incident of Swara's ill treatment by Rajesh.

"You... You fine na?" He asked.

Swara smiled helplessly.

"Yes I am!" She replied.

She signed Rama to call Laksh and Ragini. Till then, she went away and sat on the couch. She knew Sanskaar was staring at her. As soon as Ragini and Laksh entered, Swara left the room.

So tired she was that she did not know when she fell asleep in het room. It was night when her sleep got a little disturbed by something. Though she could not decipher the reason, she was experiencing an unexplained tightness in her chest. For reason unknown, she felt a strong urge to go near Sanskaar.

She went to Sanskar's room. Ravi was there, wide awake.

"Everything normal?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am! I did not even blink tonight!" Ravi said. Swara smiled. As she turned to go, she saw a shadow like figure lurking in the hall. Before she could do anything, he came straight towards her and the next moment, she was lying on the floor. He locked the door from inside.

Ravi switched on the light immediately. But the next moment, he fired a bullet towards him and the next moment, Ravi was lying on the floor clutching his leg.

"I don't want any of you to leave this world except Sanskaar! So stay away!"

Swara knew the voice. She immediately ran towards the man and tried to get take revolver from him.

"Rajesh! You fell so low!" Swara was continuously saying.

"Sanskaar! Try to get out of room as soon as possible!" Swara almost yelled as soon as she saw his eyes opened.

Sanskaar, who was still drowsy under the sedative effect of medicine, tried to get up from the bed.

"Run away Sanskaar! Run!" Swara was yelling, "Hide somewhere!"

But Rajesh was too powerful for Swara to deal. He threw her towards the wall. A warm liquid oozed out of her forehead.


The painful moan from Swara's lips broke the effect of sedatives. Sanskaar came in terms with reality now.

"What do you want?" Sanskaar said with all his might. He did not have much power in him. His feet were giving away.

"Your life!" Rajesh said, "And since these two had seen me too, their lives too!"

Saying so, he lifted the revolver and was about to shoot Swara when Sanskaar threw a bottle of medicine towards him. His shot got distracted.

Swara stood up and tried to take the revolver. But before that, Rajesh reached there. Thanks to Ravi, the revolver got away from Rajesh by a kick to it.

"One on death bed, one injured and one delicate girl, do you think you can win from me!" Rajesh was enraged now. He took out a knife and moved towards Sanskaar. Swara caught him from behind.

"Sanskaar! Please try to run away. Please! Try to stand up!" Swara was pleading. Her eyes were brimming.

Rajesh anyhow freed himself from Swara and again moved towards Sanskaar. His knife shined in the air and the next moment was the last moment for Sanskaar, or that was what he thought.

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