its on, you know

15 2 0

written by me & MeqaAnt :]

word count: 2645

The ninja were gathered around in the living room of the Monastery, sitting on the floor and playing League of Legends, like they always do.

"Fire strike! Oh my gosh, is that the greatest move you've ever seen?" Kai exclaimed, attacking the Blue Sentinel.

However, Cole was not amused by the attack. "Stop trying to do it yourself. We need to attack as a team!"

Zane, who was new to the game, opted to use his special attack on Jay. "Zane, why are you wasting your special attack on me?" Jay whined. "You have to save it! Remember, we work as a team?"

His words do not sway Zane's actions, causing Jay's character to die. He is not very happy about the situation, and slams his controller onto the ground. "Fantastic, I'm out of lives!"

"But the lesson lives on, and I am getting the hang of it!" Zane said, smiling as he continued fighting the monster.

Sylas opens the sliding door and finds them sitting on the floor next to each other playing video games with food all over the floor.

"You guys know that Sensei Wu would disapprove of what you're doing instead of training, right?" He interrupted as he leaned against the door.

"Yeah yeah, we've been training all week, we at least deserve a break with video games and food, especially cake!" Cole said happily and bit into the slice of pizza.

There was food all over the place, it looked like a raccoon got into the garbage.

"You're such a buzzkill!" Stella barked, crossing her arms.

Sylas glanced over to his little sister, who was eating cake as she watched the others play.

"I'm really not," he said with a slight offense to his tone. "Sometimes you guys are just lazy, and with all that junk food you're eating, you guys will be out of shape in no time." Sylas crossed his arms with a smirk on his face

"Well, excuse me, Mr. perfect-with-nice-arms," Jay said as he turned around and shot him with an intense stare. "We are not lazy, and we will not become out of shape! If I were you, I would leave before one of us kicks your ass!"

"He's just jealous he doesn't have as sweet of moves as me!" Kai grinned as he turned his attention back to the game, beginning to click on the controller again.

Sylas sighed as he stopped leaning on the door frame and put his hands up as he flailed them in the air. "Whatever bozos, I'm heading back to the court yard to train. You guys have fun with whatever you're doing."

He shut the sliding door as he headed back down the hallway and into the courtyard.

"What's his problem nowadays?" Cole butted in. "He never wants to do anything fun, he's such a party pooper!"

"I agree," Zane chimed in as he shoved chips into his mouth. "I do believe he is overworking himself a little bit for Sensei's validation. If you think about it, all he does is wake up, eat, train, and sleep repeatedly every day. We should talk to him about it."

"He used to be fun, if you can believe that." Stella started. "I really think Sensei Wu put a stick up his ass or something."

"Hah! There's no way SYLAS used to be fun!" Kai laughed as he looked over at Stella. "You must be thinking of another Sylas!"

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