green just looks so good on us

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i did NOT proof read this 😁

written by me and MeqaAnt :]

word count: 1564

The ninja head over to their dragons, getting ready to head home after their eventful mission. As they mount on their dragons, a soft noise is heard. It sounded like something dropped out of a bag. Kai looked down and picked up, what seemed to be a scroll, from the concrete ground and took a gander at it.

"Huh? I don't remember putting this here." The scroll looked very ancient as it seems like it was stolen out of a museum archive.

Zane walked over and took the bag that was hooked onto Kai's dragon.

"It's Sensei's bag," He examined. "You must've taken it by accident in the rush."

"What is it?" Both slightly jumped as Jay appeared out of nowhere.

"It's a scroll, windbag." Kai said sarcastically.

"I know It's a scroll, but what does it say?"

Kai unrolled the scroll from its enclosure and held it so Jay and Zane could also see it. They took a peek at it as their eyes studied the scroll. It took a moment before they actually said anything.

"It looks like chicken scratch." Jay finally replied.

"Not chicken scratch," Zane countered. "The ancient language of our ancestors."

Footsteps were heard behind them as Sylas came up behind them. "What's everybody huddled up here for?"

"Kai accidentally took Sensei Wu's bag and a scroll fell out and we're about to figure out what it says." Jay looked to where Sylas was standing. "It's written in an ancient language from our ancestors."

Sylas raised his eyebrows and slowly nodded. "So who is able to read the scroll? I'm sure Zane is able to since he's so smart." He looked at Zane with a fond smile as he stared at him for a moment.

Zane met his gaze as he took the scroll from Kai's hands. "Well, I can try, but I appreciate the compliment." He chuckled and smiled softly at Sylas as he averted his eyes to the scroll. Sylas looked away quickly as he felt his cheeks heat up.

Kai took notice of this but didn't say a word. He shifted his attention back to Zane as he pointed to one of the black symbols. "This symbol means prophecy."

"Prophecy?" Jay questioned. He didn't know what the word meant.

"It means to tell the future." Kai answered.

"Of course! Ha-ha... totally knew that!" Jay sheepishly smiled, Zane continued reading the scroll.

"One ninja will rise above the others and become the Green Ninja, the ninja destined to defeat the Dark Lord."

Jay gasped as he saw a picture, which seemed to be the Green Ninja in the middle, with the rest of the ninja surrounding him. "Oh my god, a picture!"

"Dark Lord?" Kai gave a questioning look. "Hold on... you think they meant LORD Garmadon?" His face appeared now shocked as he looked at the picture Jay was talking about.

"Is that us?!" Kai gave a look to the others. "Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Like how good I'm gonna look in green. Ha!" Jay said confidently as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Isn't it obvious I'm gonna be the Green Ninja?"

"The color obviously suits me!" Jay yelled back as he took a step forward towards Kai. Things started getting a bit heated between them.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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