Chapter 2: The Competition

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Mackenzie's POV:
Today's the competition day. I'm so excited and nervous. Taylor likes to come and watch track competitions so I really hope she comes to mine. I get ready in my track outfit and race downstairs to get to the field. As people start getting on the bleachers, I see her. Taylor Alison Swift is sitting on the bleachers. I HAVE to win now. The starting bell sounds and I run as fast as I can. Times ticking and I look over at the bleachers and see Taylor staring right at me. I start running faster and I feel so lightheaded. I don't think about it and just keep running. Soon enough, I eventually can't continue. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I feel dizzy and everything goes black. All I hear is paramedics and Miss Hannigan. But I hear another voice who's not a paramedic or Miss Hannigan. It's Taylor. I know I had made her nervous.
Taylor's POV:
I get to 'Miss Hannigan's Orphanage For Girls' to watch a track competition. I head to the bleachers and sit down next to Travis. I see a girl who looks like she's around 12 and she looks at me with a smile. I guess she's a Swiftie and I love it! The competition bell went off and all of the girls started running. The girl I saw before looks pale and doesn't seem like she can continue. She starts running faster and eventually passes out. I don't say anything to Travis. I just get off the bleachers and run to her. The paramedics take her to the hospital while Travis drives there. We get to the hospital and I go to her room. I immediately to go the side of the hospital bed and take her hand into mine. I start praying for her to open her eyes. A little while later, she eyes begin to open. "T-T-T-Taylor?" She stutters, shocked. "Hi, sweetheart. Yeah, it's me, Taylor." I say. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "I was so worried when you passed out so I had to come and check on you." I say. "Thank you for doing that but, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. I just rushed too much, that's all." She says. "No, no, no. Sweetheart, I want to be here for you. You're the number one priority I have." I say. "Really? No one has ever done that for me. Thank you, Taylor." She says. Aww. That broke my heart. No one has ever been there for her. I know what I need to do but, I need to talk to Travis first. "Sweetheart, how about you stay with me for a little while?" I ask. "Really? I would LOVE to!" She says. "Great! I'll sign the paperwork to take you home and I'll be right back to get you." I say. "Okay! Thank you again, Taylor." She says. "You're welcome, sweetheart." I say. After a while of signing my name and signature, I was able to take her to my house. "Sweetheart, you ready to go?" I ask. "Yep. Thank you Taylor." She says. "You're welcome. What's your name?" I ask. "Mackenzie. I'm 12." She says. "That's a beautiful name." I say as I take her hand. "Thank you." She says. We get to my house and I can see that's she's a little nervous. "Hey, it's okay. Come on." I say. She's so cute. I can't wait to ask her about something that she really wants.

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