Chapter 5: 1989 World Tour

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Taylor's POV:
We are headed to the airport to fly to Sydney for my '1989 World Tour'. Travis and Mackenzie are coming with me. We get to the airport and Mackenzie's starting to get clingy. I don't think she's been on an airplane before so I get why she's clinging to me right now. We get on the plane and I can see fear in Mackenzie's eyes. I put my arm around her and she calms down. "I'm right here." I whisper in her ear as we start to get ready for takeoff. A little while later, Mackenzie ended up falling asleep. "Mackenzie, we're here sweetheart." I say. She opens her eyes and immediately has a smile on her face. "How did you sleep?" I ask. "Good. I'm so excited to see you preform." She says. "Are you excited to sing?" I ask. "I'm a little nervous." She says. "I'm going to be right there with you. When I stand next to you, you won't be nervous anymore." I say. "Thank you, Taylor." She says. "No problem sweetheart." I say. We get ready and we head to the stadium. The crowd cheers so loud when I come out onstage and start singing 'Welcome To New York'. After I sing 'Welcome To New York', 'New Romantics', and 'Blank Space' I get my second microphone for Mackenzie and the crowd cheers loudly since they think a friend of mine is coming onstage. "Thank you guys so much for letting me explore pop." I started. "As you all know, I adopted a 12 year old girl named Mackenzie. She's here tonight and she will be singing. Please welcome my daughter, Mackenzie!" I say. Mackenzie comes out and the crowd cheers louder than before. Mackenzie goes to the mic and takes a deep breath, "Hi guys! My name is Mackenzie. I will be singing a song that Taylor wrote and my dad sang to me before he died." She started. "It's called Never Grow Up." She says. The crowd cheers louder now and Mackenzie looks at me and I give her the 'I'm right here' nod. "Your little hands wrapped around my finger and it's so quiet in the world tonight." She sang. Tears started running down her face but she continues to sing. She ended the song and the crowd cheers as she wipes her tears and gets ready to say her goodbye speech. "Thank you guys for singing so loudly! I have never sang that song live so thank you for your support. This song is honoring my dad. I love you daddy." She says. She walks off and I go backstage. "Sweetheart, that was amazing!" I say. "Thanks. Do you think my dad would be proud of me?" She says. "Of course he would. That song means a lot to you and I'm so proud of you for singing that song which is really hard for you." I say. "I love you, Taylor." She says as she hugs me. "I love you too, sweetheart." I say as I hug her back. I can't wait for more guests appearances with Mackenzie.

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