Chapter 3: Best Day Ever!

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Mackenzie's POV:
I wake up in an unfamiliar setting. Then yesterday comes back. I remember everything from waking up and rushing to the field, seeing Taylor Swift on the bleachers, running to fast, passing out and waking up in the hospital with Taylor by my side. I get out of the bed and go downstairs. I see Taylor sitting on the couch with coffee and watching Friends. "Hey, sweetheart. Did you sleep good?" She asks. "Yeah, I did." I say. "I can tell something's on your mind. C'mere." She says. I walk over to the couch and sit next to her. "You can tell me anything." She says. I hesitate a little before speaking. "I don't want to go back to the orphanage. Track is my life but I don't want to be at that place." I say. "Okay. Well, you can do track as a side gig." She says. "What are you saying?" I ask. "I talked to Travis." She started. "And we agreed on adopting you." She says. "Wait. For real?!" I ask. "Yes, sweetheart. For real." She says. "Oh my god! Thank you!" I say as I hug her. "You're welcome, sweetheart." She says. Now, we're just going to hang out and watch Friends. I can't wait to be her daughter. This is all I wanted and I finally got it.
Taylor's POV:
When I told Mackenzie the news, she was so excited. I can't believe she will be my daughter in a couple of weeks. She's so sweet and I love her so much. This is what she wanted and I gave it to her. She can't stop thanking me and I will keep saying 'you're welcome' to her as she's finally happy. She looked miserable in the competition and now she has a huge smile on her face. That's what makes her so special. She has my emotions and my hair too. It's a little darker but it looks the same. She loves me and my music. She said that my music was the only thing that helped her at the orphanage. She won't be Mackenzie Jane Kendall anymore. It's now Mackenzie Marjorie  Kelce-Swift.

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